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Accounting Policies of Blue Cloud Softech Solutions Ltd. Company

Mar 31, 2018

1. i. Significant accounting policies

a. Revenue recognition

Revenue is recognized, net of sales related taxes, when persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, the fees are fixed or determinable, the product is delivered or services have been rendered and collectability is reasonably assured. The Company considers the terms of each arrangement to determine the appropriate accounting treatment.

The following additional criteria apply in respect of various revenue streams within filmed entertainment:

Theatrical - Contracted minimum guarantees are recognized on the theatrical release date. The Company''s share of box office receipts in excess of the minimum guarantee is recognized at the point they are notified to the Company.

Television - License fees received in advance which do not meet the revenue recognition criteria are included in deferred income until the above criteria is met. Other - DVD, CD and video distribution revenue is recognized on the date the product is delivered or if licensed in line with the revenue recognition criteria. Provision is made for physical returns where applicable. Digital and ancillary media revenues are recognized at the earlier of when the content is accessed or declared. Visual effects, production and other fees for services rendered by the Company and overhead recharges are recognized in the period in which they are earned and in certain cases, the stage of production is used to determine the proportion recognized in the period.

b. Property, plant and equipment and depreciation:

Property, Plant and Equipment is stated at cost, net of accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any. Cost comprises of purchase price inclusive of taxes etc. up to the date the asset is ready for its intended use. Depreciation is provided in the manner prescribed under Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013.

c. Impairment of non-financial assets

For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash flows (cash generating units). As a result, some assets are tested individually for impairment and some are tested at the cash generating unit level. All individual assets or cash generating units are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable.

The carrying amounts of assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine if there is any indication of impairment based on external or internal factors. An impairment loss is recognised wherever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount which represents the greater of the net selling price of assets and their ''value in use''.

In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. In determining fair value less costs of disposal, recent market transactions are taken into account. If no such transactions can be identified, an appropriate valuation model is used.

These calculations are corroborated by valuation multiples, quoted share prices for publicly traded companies or other available fair value indicators.

All assets are subsequently reassessed for indications that an impairment loss previously recognized may no longer exist.

d. Impairment of financial assets In accordance with Ind AS 109, the Company applies expected credit loss (ECL) model for measurement and recognition of impairment loss on risk exposure arising from financial assets like debt instruments measured at amortised cost e.g., trade receivables and deposits.

The Company follows ''simplified approach'' for recognition of impairment loss allowance on Trade receivables or contract revenue receivables. The application of simplified approach does not require the Company to track changes in credit risk. Rather, it recognises impairment loss allowance based on lifetime ECLs at each reporting date, right from its initial recognition.

For recognition of impairment loss on other financial assets and risk exposure, the Company determines that whether there has been a significant increase in the credit risk since initial recognition. If credit risk has not increased significantly, 12-month ECL is used to provide for impairment loss. However, if credit risk has increased significantly, lifetime ECL is used. If, in a subsequent period, credit quality of the instrument improves such that there is no longer a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, then the entity reverts to recognising impairment loss allowance based on 12-month ECL.

Lifetime ECL are the expected credit losses resulting from all possible default events over the expected life of a financial instrument. The 12-month ECL is a portion of the lifetime ECL which results from default events that are possible within 12 months after the reporting date.

ECL is the difference between all contractual cash flows that are due to the Company in accordance with the contract and all the cash flows that the entity expects to receive (i.e., all cash shortfalls), discounted at the original EIR. When estimating the cash flows, an entity is required to consider all contractual terms of the financial instrument (including prepayment, extension, call and similar options) over the expected life of the financial instrument. However, in rare cases when the expected life of the financial instrument cannot be estimated reliably, then the entity is required to use the remaining contractual term of the financial instrument.

ECL impairment loss allowance (or reversal) recognized during the period is recognized as income/ expense in the Statement of profit and loss. This amount is reflected under the head ''other expenses'' in the Statement of profit and loss.

For assessing increase in credit risk and impairment loss, the Company combines financial instruments on the basis of shared credit risk characteristics with the objective of facilitating an analysis that is designed to enable significant increases in credit risk to be identified on a timely basis.

e. Borrowing costs

Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortized cost with any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption value recognised in the Statement of profit and loss within finance costs over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method.

Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Company has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the statement of financial position date.

f. Provisions

Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, it is more likely than not that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligations and can be reliably measured. Provisions are measured at Management''s best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligations at the statement of financial position date and are discounted to present value where the effect is material.

g. Financial instrument

Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized when the Company becomes party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

Financial assets and liabilities are initially measured at fair value. Transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of financial assets or liabilities (other than financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit and loss) are added to or deducted from the fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities, as appropriate, on initial recognition. Transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss are recognized immediately in Statement of profit and loss. Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset against each other and the net amount reported in the balance sheet if, and only if, there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.

h. Taxes

Taxation on profit and loss comprises current tax and deferred tax. Tax is recognized in the Statement of profit and loss except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity or other comprehensive income in which case tax impact is also recognized in equity or other comprehensive income.

Current tax is provided at amounts expected to be paid (or recovered) using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted at the balance sheet date along with any adjustment relating to tax payable in previous years.

Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. Deferred income tax is provided at amounts expected to be paid (or recovered) using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realized or the deferred income tax liability is settled.

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off assets against liabilities representing current tax and where the deferred tax assets and the deferred tax liabilities relate to taxes on income levied by the same governing taxation laws.

i. Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is computed using the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings per share is computed by considering the impact of the potential issuance of ordinary shares, on the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period except where the results would be antidilutive.

j. Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, deposits held at call with banks, other short term highly liquid investments which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and are subject to insignificant risk of changes in value. Bank overdrafts are shown within borrowings in current liabilities on the balance sheet.

Deposits held with banks as security for overdraft facilities are included in restricted deposits held with bank

k. Segment reporting

Ind-AS 108 Operating Segments ("Ind-AS 108") requires operating segments to be identified on the same basis as is used internally for the review of performance and allocation of resources by the Chief Operating Decision Maker. The company is having various segments based on the activities involved by the company. The segments has been classified as Software, Studios, film division and animation.

l. Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions

The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions, that affect the reported amounts and disclosures. The company based its assumptions and estimates on parameters available when the financial statements were prepared and reviewed at each balance sheet date. Uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that may require a material adjustment to the reported amounts and disclosures.

Mar 31, 2015

I) Preparation of financial statements

These financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with the Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) under the Historical Cost convention on the accrual basis except for certain financial instruments which are measured at Fair Values. GAAP comprises mandatory accounting standards as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the financial statements are consistent with those followed in the previous year.

ii) Revenue Recognition

a) The Company follows mercantile system of accounting and recognizes income and expenditure on accrual basis.

b) All revenues are recognized on accrual basis.

iii) Fixed Assets

a) Fixed Assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Project expenses/ Pre-operative expenses are capitalized to the respective asset heads on a proportionate basis. Any capital grant or subsidy received is reduced from the cost of eligible assets

b) During the year the Company has provided Depreciation on Fixed Assets based on the Useful life in the manner prescribed in Schedule II Part C to the Companies Act, 2013, as against the earlier practice of depreciating at the rates prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956.

iv) Retirement Benefits

Contributions to defined Schemes such as Provident Fund, Employees State Insurance Scheme are charged to the profit and loss account as incurred on accrual basis. The company provides the retirement benefits in the form of Gratuity and Leave Encashment on the basis of actuarial valuation made by Independent actuary as at balance sheet date.

v) Provision for Current and Deferred Tax:

Provision for current tax is made after taking into consideration benefits admissible under the provisions of the Income lax Act, 1961. Defened Tax resulting from timing differences between book and taxable profits is accounted by using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted as on the Balance Sheet date. The deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent there is reasonable certainty that the asset is realized in future.

vi) Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Liabilities, which are contingent in nature, are not recognized in the books of account but are disclosed separately in the Notes. Contingent Assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the books of account.

vii) Inventories

Inventories are valued at cost or market price whichever is lower.

viii) Earnings per share (EPS)

Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year.

For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential equity shares.

Mar 31, 2014


(i) These accounts are prepared on the historical basis and on the accounting principles of a going concern.

(ii) Accounting policies not specifically referred to otherwise are consistent and in consonance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Revenue Recognition:

(i) The Company follows the Mercantile system of Accounting and recognizes income and expenditure on accruals, basis.

(ii) Revenue is not recognized on the grounds of prudence, until relised in respect of liquidated damages, delayed payments as recovery of the amounts are not certain.

Fixed Assets:

(i) Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Cost of acquisition of fixed assets is inclusive of freight, duties, taxes and incidental expenses thereto.

Depreciation and Amortisation:

(i) Depreciation is provided on straight line method on pro-rata basis and at the rates and manner specified in the Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956.

Inventories :

Inventories are valued at cost or market price whichever is lower.


The current charge for income tax is calculated in accordance with the relevant tax regulations applicable to the Company. Deferred tax asset and liability is recognized for future tax consequences attributable to the timing differences that result between the profit offered for income tax and the profit as per the financial statements. Deferred tax asset & liability are measured as per the tax rates/laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date.


No provision for gratuity has been made as no employee has put in qualifying period of service for entitlement of this benefit..

Earnings per share(EPS):

The company reports its Earning per share (EPS) in accordance with Accounting standard - 20

Mar 31, 2013

(i) These accounts are prepared on the historical basis and on the accounting principles of a going concern.

(ii) Accounting policies not specifically referred to otherwise are consistent and in consonance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Revenue Recognition:

(i) The Company follows the Mercantile system of Accounting and recognizes income and expenditure on accrual basis.

(ii) Revenue is not recognized on the grounds of prudence, until relised in respect of liquidated damages, delayed payments as recovery of the amounts are not certain.

Fixed Assets:

(i) Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Cost of acquisition of fixed assets is inclusive of freight, duties, taxes and incidental expenses thereto.

Depredation and Amortisation:

(i) Depreciation is provided on straight line method on pro-rata basis and at the rates and manner specified in the Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956.

Inventories :

Inventories are valued at cost or market price whichever is lower.


The current charge for income tax is calculated in accordance with the relevant tax regulations applicable to the Company. Deferred tax asset and liability is recognized for future tax consequences attributable to the timing differences that result between the profit offered for income tax and the profit as per the financial statements. Deferred tax asset & liability are measured as per the tax rates/laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date.


No provision for gratuity has been made as no employee has put in qualifying, period of service for entitlement of this benefit..

Earnings per share(EPS):

The company reports its Earning per share (EPS) in accordance with Accounting standard - 20

Mar 31, 2012


(i) These accounts are prepared on the historical basis and on the accounting principles of a going concern.

(ii) Accounting policies not specifically referred to otherwise are consistent and in consonance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Revenue Recognition:

(i) The Company follows the Mercantile system of Accounting and recognizes income and expenditure on accrual basis.

(ii) Revenue is not recognized on the grounds of prudence, until relised in respect of liquidated damages, delayed payments as recovery of the amounts are not certain.

Fixed Assets:

(i) Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Cost of acquisition of fixed assets is inclusive of freight, duties, taxes and incidental expenses thereto.

Depredation and Amortisation:

(i) Depreciation is provided on straight line method on pro-rata basis and at the rates and manner specified in the Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956.

Inventories :

Inventories are valued at cost or market price whichever is lower.


The current charge for income tax is calculated in accordance with the relevant tax regulations applicable to the Company. Deferred tax asset and liability is recognized for future tax consequences attributable to the timing differences that result between the profit offered for income tax and the profit as per the financial statements. Deferred tax asset & liability are measured as per the tax rates/laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date.


No provision for gratuity has been made as no employee has put in qualifying, period of service for entitlement of this benefit..

Earnings per share(EPS):

The company reports its Earning per share (EPS) in accordance with Accounting standard - 20

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