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Accounting Policies of Lovable Lingerie Ltd. Company

Mar 31, 2018

Notes on Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2018

Corporate Information

Lovable Lingerie Limited (the Company) is a Limited Company domiciled in India and incorporated under the Provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. The company is mainly engaged in the business manufacturing hosiery/garment products. The shares of the company are listed in BSE and NSE.


Basis of Preparation:

The financial statements of the company have been prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) notified under the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015.

For all periods up to and including the year ended 31 March 2017, the Company prepared its financial statements in accordance with accounting standards notified under the section 133 of the Companies Act 2013, read together with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (Indian GAAP). These financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2018 are the first the company has prepared in accordance with Ind AS. Refer to Note 27.1 for information on first time adoption of Ind AS from 1 April 2016.

The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for certain financial Instruments (refer accounting policy regarding financial instruments), which are measured at fair values at the end of each reporting period, as explained in the accounting policies below. Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the consideration given in exchange for goods and services as at the date of respective transactions

Use of Estimates and Judgments

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Indian Accounting Standards requires the management of the company to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of income and expenses, balances of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities, at the end of the reporting period.

Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimates are revised and future periods are affected.

The management believes that the estimates used in preparation of the financial statements are prudent and reasonable. Future results could defer from these estimates.

Summary of significant accounting policies

Current versus non-current classification

The Company presents assets and liabilities in balance sheet based on current/ non-current classification. An asset is current when it is:

• Expected to be realised or intended to be sold or consumed in normal operating cycle

• Held primarily for the purpose of trading

• Expected to be realised within twelve months after the reporting period, or

• Cash or cash equivalent unless restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least twelve months after the reporting period.

• All other assets are classified as noncurrent.

A liability is current when:

• It is expected to be settled in normal operating cycle.

• It is held primarily for the purpose of trading

• It is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting period, or

• There is no unconditional right to defer the settlement of the liability for at least twelve months after the reporting period

• The Company classifies all other liabilities as non-current.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are classified as non-current assets and liabilities.

Advance tax paid is classified as noncurrent assets

The operating cycle is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their realisation in cash and cash equivalents. The Company has identified twelve months as its operating cycle.

Non-Financial Assets

Property, Plant and Equipment are stated at cost of acquisition less accumulated depreciation. The cost comprises purchase price including financing cost and directly attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for the intended use. Amount of capital Subsidy received from the Government under TUF scheme against machineries has been reduced from the cost of the assets.

Intangible fixed assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. They are stated at cost of acquisition less amortisation depreciation.

Gains or Losses arising from derecognition of a Tangible or intangible assets are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and are recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss when the asset is derecognized.

Depreciation and Amortisation

Property, Plant and Equipment:

Depreciation on Property, Plant and Equipment is provided to the extent of depreciable amount on the Straight Line Method, based on useful life of the assets as prescribed in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013 except in respect of Plant & Machinery where useful life is taken as 25 years.

For plant & machinery, based on internal assessment and independent technical evaluation carried out by the external valuer, the management believes that the useful life as given above best represents the period over which the management expect to use these assets. Hence the useful life of Plant & Machinery is different from the useful life as provided under part C of Schedule II of Companies Act, 2013.

Depreciation on Property, Plant and Equipment added / disposed off during the year has been provided on prorate basis with reference to date of addition / discarding.

Intangible Assets

These are amortised as under:


Amortisation / Depletion


Over a period of 20 years Depleted in proportions of estimated future sales

Technical Know

Over a period of 10 years

Computer Software

Over a period of 6 years

Amortisation of Intangible Fixed Assets is provided on the Straight Line Method

Any expenditure not meeting the recognition criteria of Intangible Asset is charged to Statement of Profit and Loss in entirety.

Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs attributable to acquisition and construction of qualifying assets are capitalised as a part of the cost of such assets up to the date when such asset is ready for its intended use.

Other borrowing costs are charged to the statement of Profit and Loss. Interest subsidy received under TUF scheme against the borrowings made for acquisition of machineries, has been set off against the interest paid against the said bank borrowings.

Impairment of Assets

At each Balance Sheet date the Company assesses whether there is any indication that the Fixed Assets or cash generating units have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of impairment, if any. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of individual asset, the company estimate the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to which the asset belong.

As per the assessment conducted by the company as at 31st March 2017 there were no indications that the fixed assets have suffered an impairment loss.

Financial Assets:

Financial Assets at fair value through Other Comprehensive Income:

Financial assets are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if these financial assets are held within a business whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets

Financial Assets at fair value through Profit and Loss:

Financial assets are measured at fair value through profit or loss unless it is measured at amortised cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income on initial recognition. The transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are immediately recognised in statement of profit and loss.

Financial Liabilities:

Financial liabilities are subsequently carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

De-recognition of financial instruments

The Company derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire or it transfers the financial asset and the transfer qualifies for de-recognition under Ind AS 109. A financial liability (or a part of a financial liability) is derecognized when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged or cancelled or expires.

Fair value of financial instruments

In determining the fair value of its financial instruments, the Company uses Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities.

Valuation of Inventories

Raw materials, stores & spares and packaging materials:

Lower of cost and net realisable value. However, materials and other items held for use in the production of finished goods are not written down below cost if the products in which they will be used are expected to be sold at or above their cost.

Finished Goods:

Lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes direct materials, labour and a proportion of manufacturing overheads based on the normal operating capacity.


Lower of cost and net realisable value.

Cost is estimated at cost price of the finished product less estimated costs of completion.

Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the company and the revenue can be reliably measured. Revenue is measured excluding taxes and duties collected on behalf of the government. The following specific recognitions criteria must also be met before revenue is recognized:

Sale of Goods

Revenue from Sale of Goods is recognized when all the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been passed to the buyer, usually on delivery of Goods. The company collects Goods and Service Tax (GST) and sales taxes on behalf of the Government and, therefore, these are not economic benefits flowing to the company. Hence they are excluded from the revenue.

Income from Services

Income from services is recognized as they are rendered, based on agreement / arrangement with the concerned parties.


Dividend income is recognized when the company''s right to receive Dividend is established by the reporting date.

Design & development cost

Expenditure incurred on Design and development is charged to profit and loss account in the year it is incurred.

Foreign Currency Transactions

Foreign currency transactions are recorded in reporting currency by applying the rate prevailing on the date of transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency at the reporting date are translated at the year-end rates. Non monetary items are reported at the exchange rate on the date of transaction. Realized gains/(losses) on foreign currency transactions are recognized in the Profit & Loss Account.

Retirement and other Employee Benefits

i) Short-term employee benefits are recognised as expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered.

ii) Gratuity, which is a defined benefit plan, is accrued based on an independent actuarial valuation, which is done based on project unit credit method as at the balance sheet date. The Company recognizes the net obligation of a defined benefit

plan in its balance sheet as an asset or liability. Gains and losses through re-measurements of the net defined benefit liability/(asset) are recognized in other comprehensive income. In accordance with Ind AS, re-measurement gains and losses on defined benefit plans recognized in OCI are not to be subsequently reclassified to

Statement of profit and loss. As required under Ind AS compliant Schedule III, the Company transfers it immediately to retained earnings.

iii) The company''s liability towards leave entitlement benefits is accounted for on the basis of earned leave and provisions for the same is made at the end of the year.

iv) Contributions payable to recognized provident funds, which are defined contribution schemes, are charged to the statement of profit and loss

Income Taxes

Income tax expenses comprise current tax and deferred tax charged or credit.

Current tax is measured on the basis of estimated taxable income for the current accounting period in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Deferred Tax is recognized, on timing differences, being the difference between taxable incomes and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured based on the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when assets is realized or liability is settled, based on taxed rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the Balance Sheet date.

Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Provisions are recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. These are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.

A present obligation that arises from past events whether it is either not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle or a reliable estimate of the amount cannot be made, is disclosed as a contingent liability. Contingent Liabilities are also disclosed when there is a possible obligation arising from past events, the existence of which will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company.

Claims against the Company where the possibility of any outflow of resources in settlement is remote, are not disclosed as contingent liabilities.

Contingent liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed and contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed, in the financial statements.

Business Segments

More than 90% of Company operations are only in one segment i.e. dealing in hosiery garment products. This in the context of Accounting Standard 17 of Segment Reporting as specified in the Companies (Accounting Standards ) Rules 2006 are considered to constitute one single primary segment. Further, there is no reportable secondary segment i.e. geographical segment.

Earnings Per Share

Basic Earnings per Share ("EPS") is computed by dividing the net profit after tax for the year by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. The weighted average number of shares is adjusted for issue of bonus share in compliance with Accounting Standard (AS 33) - Earnings per Share.

For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effects of dilutive potential equity shares.

Fair Value as Deemed Cost

The company has elected to continue with the carrying value for all of its property, plant and equipment and Intangible Assets as recognised in the financial statements as at the date of transition measured as per the previous GAAP and use that as its deemed cost as at date of transition.

Mar 31, 2015

Corporate Information

Lovable Lingerie Limited (the Company) is a Limited Company domiciled in India and incorporated under the Provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. The company is mainly engaged in the business manufacturing hosiery/garment products. The shares of the company are listed in BSE and NSE.

a) Basis of Preparation:

These financial statements have been prepared to comply with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India (Indian GAAP), including the Accounting Standards notified under the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.

The financial statements are prepared on accrual basis under the historical cost convention, except for certain Fixed Assets which are carried at revalued amounts. The financial statements are presented in Indian rupees rounded off to the nearest rupees.

The accounting policies adopted in the preparations of the financial statements are consistent with those of previous year unless otherwise stated.

b) Use of Estimates:

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Indian GAAP requires the management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities, at the end of the reporting period. The management believes that the estimates used in preparation of the financial statements are prudent and reasonable. Future results could defer from these estimates.

c) Fixed Assets

Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost of acquisition less accumulated depreciation. The cost comprises purchase price including financing cost and directly attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for the intended use. Amount of capital Subsidy received from the Government under TUF scheme against machineries has been reduced from the cost of the assets.

Intangible fixed assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. They are stated at cost of acquisition less amortisation depreciation.

Gains or Losses arising from derecognition of a Tangible or intangible assets are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and are recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss when the asset is derecognized.

d) Depreciation and Amortisation

Tangible Assets

Depreciation on Fixed Assets is provided to the extent of depreciable amount on the Straight Line Method, based on useful life of the assets as prescribed in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013 except in respect of Plant & Machinery where useful life is taken as 25 years.

For plant & machinery, based on internal assessment and independent technical evaluation carried out by the external valuer, the management believes that the useful life as given above best represents the period over which the management expect to use these assets. Hence the useful life of Plant & Machinery is different from the useful life as provided under part Cof Schedule II of Companies Act, 2013.

Depreciation on fixed assets added / disposed off during the year has been provided on prorate basis with reference to date of addition /discarding.

e) Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs attributable to acquisition and construction of qualifying assets are capitalised as a part of the cost of such assets up to the date when such asset is ready for its intended use.

Other borrowing costs are charged to the statement of Profit and Loss. Interest subsidy received under TUF scheme against the borrowings made for acquisition of machineries, has been set off against the interest paid against the said bank borrowings.

f) Impairment of Assets

At each Balance Sheet date the Company assesses whether there is any indication that the Fixed Assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of impairment, if any. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of individual asset, the company estimate the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to which the asset belong.

As per the assessment conducted by the company as at March 31st 2014 there were no indications that the fixed assets have suffered an impairment loss.

g) Investments

Investments, which are readily realizable and intended to be held for not more than one year from the date on which such investments are made, are classified as Current Investments. All other investments are classified as Long Term investment.

On initial recognition, all investments are measured at cost. The cost comprises purchase price and directly attributable acquisition charges such as Brokerage, Fees and Duties.

Current investments are carried in the financial statements at lower of cost and fair value determined on an individual investment basis. Long term investments are carried at cost. However, provision for diminution in value is made to recognize a decline other than temporary in the value of investments.

On disposal of an investment, the difference between its carrying amount and net disposal proceeds is charged or credited to the Statement of Profit and Loss.

h) Valuation of Inventories

Raw materials, stores & spares and packaging materials:

Lower of cost and net realisable value. However, materials and other items held for use in the production of finished goods are not written down below cost if the products in which they will be used are expected to be sold at or above their cost.

Finished Goods:

Lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes direct materials, labour and a proportion of manufacturing overheads based on the normal operating capacity.


Lower of cost and net realisable value.

Cost is estimated at cost price of the finished product less estimated costs of completion.

i) Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the company and the revenue can be reliably measured. The following specific recognitions criteria must also be met before revenue is recognized:

Sale of Goods

Revenue from Sale of Goods is recognized when all the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been passed to the buyer, usually on delivery of Goods. The company collects Value added taxed (VAT) and sales taxes on behalf of the Government and, therefore, these are not economic benefits flowing to the company. Hence they are excluded from the revenue.

Income from Services

Income from services is recognized as they are rendered, based on agreement / arrangement with the concerned parties.


Interest income is recognized on a time proportionate basis taking in to account the amount outstanding and the applicable interest rate.


Dividend income is recognized when the company's right to receive Dividend is established by the reporting date.

j) Design & development cost

Expenditure incurred on Design and development is charged to profit and loss account in the year it is incurred.

k) Foreign Currency Transactions

Foreign currency transactions are recorded in reporting currency by applying the rate prevailing on the date of transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency at the reporting date are translated at the year-end rates. Non monetary items are reported at the exchange rate on the date of transaction. Realized gains/(losses) on foreign currency transactions are recognized in the Profit & Loss Account.

I) Retirement and other Employee Benefits

1) Short-term employee benefits are recognised as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered.

2) Post employment and other long term employee benefits are recognised as an expense in the Profit and Loss account for the year in which the employee has rendered services. The expense is recognised at the present value of the amounts payable determined using actuarial valuation techniques. Actuarial gains and losses in respect of post-employment and other long term benefits are charged to the Profit and Loss account.

3) The Company is required to pay Gratuity under The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. Accordingly provision for liability of gratuity is made at the end of the year as per As 15.

4) The company's liability towards leave entitlement benefits is accounted for on the basis of earned leave and provisions for the same is made at the end of the year.

5) The company makes regular monthly contribution to the provident fund and Employees State Insurance, which are in the nature of defined contribution scheme.

m) Income Taxes

Income tax expenses comprise current tax and deferred tax charged or credit.

Current tax is measured on the basis of estimated taxable income for the current accounting period in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Deferred Tax is recognized, on timing differences, being the difference between taxable incomes and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured based on the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when assets is realized or liability is settled, based on taxed rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the Balance Sheet date.

Deferred Tax assets in respect of unabsorbed depreciation and carry forward of losses are recognized only if there is virtual certainty that there will be sufficient future taxable income available to realize such losses.

n) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Provisions are recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. These are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.

A present obligation that arises from past events whether it is either not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle or a reliable estimate of the amount cannot be made, is disclosed as a contingent liability. Contingent Liabilities are also disclosed when there is a possible obligation arising from past events, the existence of which will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company.

Claims against the Company where the possibility of any outflow of resources in settlement is remote, are not disclosed as contingent liabilities.

Contingent liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed and contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed, in the financial statements.

o) Business Segments

More than 90% of Company operations are only in one segment i.e. dealing in hosiery garment products. This in the context of Accounting Standard 17 of Segment Reporting as specified in the Companies (Accounting Standards ) Rules 2006 are considered to constitute one single primary segment. Further, there is no reportable secondary segment i.e. geographical segment.

p) Earnings Per Share

Basic Earnings per Share ("EPS") is computed by dividing the net profit after tax for the year by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. The weighted average number of shares is adjusted for issue of bonus share in compliance with Accounting Standard (AS 20) - Earnings per Share.

For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effects of dilutive potential equity shares.

Mar 31, 2014

A) Basis of Preparation:

The financial statements of the company have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in India (Indian GAAP). The company has prepared these financial statements to comply in all material respect with the accounting standards notified under the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. The financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis and under the historical cost convention.

The accounting policies adopted in the preparations of the financial statements are consistent with those of previous year unless otherwise stated.

b- Use of Estimates:

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Indian GAAP requires the management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities, at the end of the reporting period. The management believes that the estimates used in preparation of the financial statements are prudent and reasonable. Future results could defer from these estimates.

Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost of acquisition less accumulated depreciation. The cost comprises purchase price including financing cost and directly attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for the intended use. Amount of capital Subsidy received from the Government under TUF scheme against machineries has been reduced from the cost of the assets- Intangible fixed assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. They are stated at cost of acquisition less amortisation depreciation.

Gains or Losses arising from derecognition of a Tangible or intangible assets are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and are recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss when the asset is derecognized.

d) Depreciation and Amortisation

The depreciation on Tangible Assets is calculated on the basis of straight line method in accordance with the provisions of Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956.

Depreciation on fixed assets added / disposed off during the year has been provided on prorate basis with reference to date of addition / discarding.

Amortisation rate on Intangible Asset are as under:

"Software" is amortised @ 16.21% per annum on the basis of straight line method. It has been provided on pro rata basis for the period of use. (It is equivalent to depreciation rate as prescribed for Computers under Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956)

- Brand "College Style" is amortised @ 10% per annum on straight line method. "Technical Knowhow" is amortised @ 10% per annum on straight line method.

e) Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs attributable to acquisition and construction of qualifying assets are capitalised as a part of the cost of such assets up to the date when such asset is ready for its intended use.

Other borrowing costs are charged to the statement of Profit and Loss. Interest subsidy received under TUF scheme against the borrowings made for acquisition of machineries, has been set off against the interest paid against the said bank borrowings.

f) Impairment of Assets

At each Balance Sheet date the Company assesses whether there is any indication that the Fixed Assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of impairment, if any. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of individual asset, the company estimate the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to which the asset belong.

As per the assessment conducted by the company as at March 31st 2014 there were no indications that the fixed assets have suffered an impairment loss.

g) Investments

Investments, which are readily realizable and intended to be held for not more than one year from the date on which such investments are made, are classified as Current Investments. All other investments are classified as Long Term investment.

On initial recognition, all investments are measured at cost. The cost comprises purchase price and directly attributable acquisition charges such as Brokerage, Fees and Duties.

Current investments are carried in the financial statements at lower of cost and fair value determined on an individual investment basis. Long term investments are carried at cost. However, provision for diminution in value is made to recognize a decline other than temporary in the value of investments.

On disposal of an investment, the difference between its carrying amount and net disposal proceeds is charged or credited to the Statement of Profit and Loss.

h) Valuation of Inventories

Raw materials, stores & spares and packaging materials:

Lower of cost and net realisable value. However, materials and other items held for use in the production of finished goods are not written down below cost if the products in which they will be used are expected to be sold at or above their cost.

Finished Goods:

Lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes direct materials, labour and a proportion of manufacturing overheads based on the normal operating capacity.


Lower of cost and net realisable value.

Cost is estimated at cost price of the finished product less estimated costs of completion.

i) Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the company and the revenue can be reliably measured. The following specific recognitions criteria must also be met before revenue is recognized:

Sale of Goods

Revenue from Sale of Goods is recognized when all the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been passed to the buyer, usually on delivery of Goods. The company collects Value added taxed (VAT) and sales taxes on behalf of the Government and, therefore, these are not economic benefits flowing to the company. Hence they are excluded from the revenue.

Income from Services

Income from services is recognized as they are rendered, based on agreement / arrangement with the concerned parties.


Interest income is recognized on a time proportionate basis taking in to account the amount outstanding and the applicable interest rate.


Dividend income is recognized when the company''s right to receive Dividend is established by the reporting date.

j) Design & development cost

Expenditure incurred on Design and development is charged to profit and loss account in the year it is incurred.

k) Foreign Currency Transactions

Foreign currency transactions are recorded in reporting currency by applying the rate prevailing on the date of transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency at the reporting date are translated at the year-end rates. Non monetary items are reported at the exchange rate on the date of transaction. Realized gains/(losses) on foreign currency transactions are recognized in the Profit & Loss Account-

l) Retirement and other Employee Benefits

1) Short-term employee benefits are recognised as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered.

2) Post employment and other long term employee benefits are recognised as an expense in the Profit and Loss account for the year in which the employee has rendered services. The expense is recognised at the present value of the amounts payable determined using actuarial valuation techniques. Acutuarial gains and losses in respect of post employment and other long term benefits are charged to the Profit and Loss account.

3) The Company is required to pay Gratuity under The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. Accordingly provision for liability of gratuity is made at the end of the year as per As 15.

4) The company''s liability towards leave entitlement benefits is accounted for on the basis of earned leave and provisions for the same is made at the end of the year.

5) The company makes regular monthly contribution to the provident fund and Employees State Insurance, which are in the nature of defined contribution scheme.

m- Income Taxes

Income tax expenses comprise current tax and deferred tax charged or credit.

Current tax is measured on the basis of estimated taxable income for the current accounting period in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Deferred Tax is recognized, on timing differences, being the difference between taxable income and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured based on the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when assets is realized or liability is settled, based on taxed rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the Balance Sheet date.

Deferred Tax assets in respect of unabsorbed depreciation and carry forward of losses are recognized only if there is virtual certainty that there will be sufficient future taxable income available to realize such losses.

n) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Provisions are recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. These are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.

A present obligation that arises from past events whether it is either not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle or a reliable estimate of the amount cannot be made, is disclosed as a contingent liability. Contingent Liabilities are also disclosed when there is a possible obligation arising from past events, the existence of which will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company.

Claims against the Company where the possibility of any outflow of resources in settlement is remote, are not disclosed as contingent liabilities.

Contingent liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed and contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed, in the financial statements.

o) Business Segments

More than 90% of Company operations are only in one segment i.e. dealing in hosiery garment products. This in the context of Accounting Standard 17 of Segment Reporting as specified in the Companies (Accounting Standards ) Rules 2006 are considered to constitute one single primary segment. Further, there is no reportable secondary segment i.e. geographical segment.

p) Earnings Per Share-

Bas''ic''Earnings Per Share ("EPS") is computed by dividing the net profit after tax for the year by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. The weighted average number of shares of the previous year is adjusted for issue of bonus share during the year in compliance with Accounting Standard (AS 20) - Earnings Per Share.

For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effects of for the effects of dilutive potential equity shares.

The Company has one class of Equity Shares having a par value of Rs. 10/- per share. Each shareholder is eligible for one vote per share held.

In the event of liquidation, Equity shareholders will be eligible to receive the assets of the Company after distribution of all preferential amounts, in proportion to number of Equity Shares held by the shareholders.

Company does not have any holding company or subsidiary company. As such Shares held by holding and subsidiary company does not arise.

Mar 31, 2013

A) Basis of Preparation:

The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in India (Indian GAAP). The company has prepared these financial statements to comply in all material respect with the accounting standards notified under the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. The financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis and under the historical cost convention.

The accounting policies adopted in the preparations of the financial statements are consistent with those of previous year unless otherwise stated.

b) Use of Estimates:

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Indian GAAP requires the management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities, at the end of the reporting period. The management believes that the estimates used in preparation of the financial statements are prudent and reasonable. Future results could differ from these estimates.

c) Fixed Assets

Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost of acquisition less accumulated depreciation. The cost comprises purchase price, including financing cost and directly attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for the intended use.

Intangible fixed assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. They are stated at cost of acquisition less amortisation depreciation.

Gains or Losses arising from derecognition of a Tangible or intangible assets are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and are recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss when the asset is derecognized.

d) Depreciation and Amortisation

The depreciation on Tangible Assets is calculated on the basis of straight line method in accordance with the provisions of Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956.

Depreciation on fixed assets added / disposed off during the year has been provided on prorate basis with reference to date of addition / discarding.

Amortisation rate on Intangible Asset are as under:

"Software" is amortised @ 16.21% per annum on the basis of straight line method. It has been provided on pro rata basis for the period of use. (It is equivalent to depreciation rate as prescribed for Computers under Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956)

Brand "College Style" is amortised @ 10% per annum on straight line method. Amortisation is not provided on "Technical Know How" acquired during the year, in view of the facts that there is no impairment of such asstes.

e) Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs attributable to acquisition and construction of qualifying assets are capitalised as a part of the cost of such assets up to the date when such asset is ready for its intended use.

Other borrowing costs are charges to the statement of Profit and Loss.

f) Impairment of Assets

At each Balance Sheet date the Company assesses whether there is any indication that the Fixed Assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of impairment, if any. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of individual asset, the company estimate the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to

which the asset belong.

As per the assessment conducted by the company as at March 31st 2013 there were no indications that the fixed assets have suffered an impairment loss.

g) Investments

Investments, which are readily realizable and intended to be held for not more than one year from the date on which such investments are made, are classified as Current Investments. All other investments are classified as Long Term investment.

On initial recognition, all investments are measured at cost. The cost comprises purchase price and directly attributable acquisition charges.

Current investments are carried in the financial statements at lower of cost and fair value determined on an individual investment basis. Long term investments are carried at cost. However, provision for diminution in value is made to recognize a decline other than temporary in the value of investments.

On disposal of an investment, the difference between its carrying amount and net disposal proceeds is charged or credited to the Statement of Profit and Loss.

h) Valuation of Inventories

Raw materials, stores & spares and packaging materials:

Lower of cost and net realisable value. However, materials and other items held for use in the production of finished goods are not written down below cost if the products in which they will be used are expected to be sold at or above their cost.

Finished Goods:

Lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes direct materials, labour and a proportion of manufacturing overheads based on the normal operating capacity.


Lower of cost and net realisable value.

Cost is estimated at cost price of the finished product less estimated costs of completion.

i) Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company and the revenue can be reliably measured. The following specific recognitions criteria must also be met before revenue is recognized:

Sale of Goods

Revenue from Sale of Goods is recognized when all the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been passed to the buyer, usually on delivery of Goods. The company collects Value added taxed (VAT) and sales taxes on behalf of the Government and, therefore, these are not economic benefits flowing to the company. Hence they are excluded from the revenue.

Income from Services

Income from services is recognized as they are rendered, based on agreement / arrangement with the concerned parties.


Interest"income is recognized on a time proportionate basis taking in to account the amount outstanding and the applicable interest rate.


Dividend income is recognized when the company''s right to receive Dividend is established by the reporting date.

j) Design & development cost

Expenditure incurred on Design and development is charged to profit and loss account in the year it is incurred.

k) Foreign Currency Transactions

Foreign currency transactions are recorded in reporting currency by applying the rate prevailing on the date of transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency at the reporting date are translated at the year-end rates. Non monetary items are reported at the exchange rate on the date of transaction. Realized gains/(losses) on foreign currency transactions are recognized in the Profit & Loss Account.

l) Retirement and other Employee Benefits

1) Short-term employee benefits are recognised as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered.

2) Post employment and other long term employee benefits are recognised as an expense in the Profit and Loss account for the year in which the employee has rendered services. The expense is recognised at the present value of the amounts payable determined using actuarial valuation techniques. Actuarial gains and losses in respect of post employment and other long term benefits are charged to the Profit and Loss account.

3) The Company is required to pay Gratuity under The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. Accordingly provision for liability of gratuity is made at the end of the year as per As 15.

4) The company''s liability towards leave entitlement benefits is accounted for on the basis of earned leave and provisions for the same is made at the end of the year.

5) The company makes regular monthly contribution to the provident fund and Employees State Insurance, which are in the nature of defined contribution scheme.

m) Income Taxes

Income tax expenses comprise current tax and deferred tax charged or credit.

Current tax is measured on the basis of estimated taxable income for the current accounting period in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Deferred Tax is recognized, on timing differences, being the difference between taxable income and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured based on the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when assets is realized or liability is settled, based on taxed rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the Balance Sheet date.

Deferred Tax assets in respect of unabsorbed depreciation and carry forward of losses are recognized only if there is virtual certainty that there will be sufficient future taxable income available to realize such losses.

n) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Provisions are recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. These are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.

A present obligation that arises from past events whether it is either not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle or a reliable estimate of the amount cannot be made, is disclosed as a contingent liability. Contingent Liabilities are also disclosed when there is a possible obligation arising from past events, the existence of which will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company.

Claims against the Company where the possibility of any outflow of resources in settlement is remote, are not disclosed as contingent liabilities.

Contingent liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed and contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed, in the financial statements.

o) Business Segments

More than 90% of Company operations are only in one segment i.e. Dealing in hosiery garment products. This in the context of Accounting Standard 17 of Segment Reporting as specified in the Companies (Accounting Standards ) Rules 2006 are considered to constitute one single primary segment. Further, there is no reportable secondary segment i.e. geographical segment.

p) Earnings Per Share

Basic Earnings Per Share ("EPS") is computed by dividing the net profit after tax for the year by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. The weighted average number of shares of the previous year is adjusted for issue of bonus share during the year in compliance with Accounting Standard (AS 20) - Earnings Per Share.

For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted

Mar 31, 2012

A) Basis of preparation of financial statements:

The financial statements of Lovable Lingerie Limited ("the Company) have been prepared to comply with the Accounting Standards referred to in the Companies Act (Accounting Standards) Rule 2006 issued by the Central Government in exercise of the power conferred under Sub-Section (I) (a) of Section 642 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (the "Act")

The financial statements have been prepared and presented under the historical cost convention in accordance with the normally accepted accounting principles and the provisions of the Act.

The Accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Company unless otherwise stated.

B) Fixed Assets and Depreciation:

Fixed Assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Cost comprises the purchase price and any attributable costs of bringing the assets to their working condition for their intended use.

Depreciation on Fixed Assets is provided on straight-line method at the rates and in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV to the Act.

C) Intangible Assets:

Intangible Assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortization. Cost includes any directly attributable expenditure on making the asset ready for its intended use.

D) Investments:

Investments that are readily realisable and intended to be held not more than a year are classified as current Investments. All other investments are classified as longterm investments.

Current Investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value determined on an individual investment basis. Longterm investments are carried at cost, however, provision for diminution in value is made to record other than temporary diminution in the value of such investments.

Profit / Loss on sale of investments is computed with reference to their cost.

E) Valuation of Inventories:

Raw materials, stores & spares and packaging materials:

Lower of cost and net realisable value. However, materials and other items held for use in the production of finished goods are not written down below cost if the products in which they will be used are expected to be sold at or above their cost.

Finished Goods:

Lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes direct materials, labour and a proportion of manufacturing overheads based on the normal operating capacity.


Lower of cost and net realisable value.

Cost is estimated at cost price of the Finished product less estimated costs of completion.

F) Revenue Recognition:

Sale of Goods:

Reveune from sale of goods is recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the customer.


Revenue is recognised when the right to receive is established.


Revenue is recognised on a time proportion basis taking into account the amount outstanding and the applicable rate of interest.

G) Design & Development costs:

Expenditure incurred on Design and development is charged to profit and loss account in the year it is incurred.

Capital expenditure is included in the respective heads under fixed assets and depreciation / amortisation thereon is charged to profit and loss account.

H) Employee Retirement Benefits:

1) Short-term employee benefits are recognised as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered.

2) Post employment and other long term employee benefits are recognised as an expense in the Profit and Loss account for the year in which the employee has rendered services. The expense is recognised at the present value of the amounts payable determined using actuarial valuation techniques. Actuarial gains and losses in respect of post employment and other longterm benefits are charged to the Profit and Loss account.

I) Provision for Taxation

Provision for current tax is made after taking into consideration benefits admissible under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Deferred tax resulting from "timing difference" between taxable and accounting income is accounted using tax rates and laws that are enacted or substantively enacted as on the balance sheet date. Deferred tax asset is recognised and carried forward only to the extent that there is a virtual certainty that the asset will be realised in future.

J) Contingent Liabilities and Provisions:

The Company makes provision when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event where the outflow of economic resources is probable and reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made.

A disclosure is made for a contingent liability when there is:

(i) possible obligation, the existence of which will be confirmed by the occurrence/non- occurrence of one or more uncertain events, not fully with in the control of the company.

(ii) present obligation, where it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.

(iii) present obligation, where a reliable estimate cannot be made.

K) Use of estimates:

In preparing Company's financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in India, management is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilites at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognised prospectively in current and future periods.

L) Earnings Per Share

Basic Earnings Per Share ("EPS") is computed by dividing the net profit after tax for the year by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period.

The weighted average number of shares of the previous year is adjusted for issue of bonus share during the year in compliance with Accounting Standard (AS 20)- Earnings Per Share.

For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effects of dilutive potential equity shares.

Mar 31, 2011

A) Basis of preparation of financial statements:

The financial statements of Lovable Lingerie Limited ("the Company) have been prepared to comply with the Accounting Standards referred to in the Companies Act (Accounting Standards) Rule 2006 issued by the Central Government in exercise of the power conferred under Sub-Section (I) (a) of Section 642 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (the "Act")

The financial statements have been prepared and presented under the historical cost convention in accordance with the normally accepted accounting principles and the provisions of the Act. The Accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Company unless otherwise stated.

B) Fixed Assets and Depreciation:

Fixed Assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Cost comprises the purchase price and any attributable costs of bringing the assets to their working condition for their intended use.

Depreciation on Fixed Assets is provided on straight-line method at the rates and in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV to the Act.

C) Intangible Assets:

Intangible Assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortization. Cost includes any directly attributable expenditureon making theasset ready for its intended use.

D) Investments:

Investments that are readily realizable and intended to be held not more than a year are classified as current Investments. All other investments are classified as long term investments.

Current Investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value determined on an individual investment basis. Long term investments are carried at cost; however, provision for diminution in value is made to record other than temporary diminution in the value of such investments.

Profit / Loss on sale of investments is computed with reference to their cost.

E) Valuation of Inventories:

Raw materials, stores & spares and packaging materials:

Lower of cost and net realizable value. However, materials and other items held for use in the production of finished goods are not written down below cost if the products in which they will be used are expected to be soldator above their cost.

Finished Goods:

Lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost includes direct materials, labour and a proportion of manufacturing overheads.


Lower of cost and net realizable value.

Cost is estimated at cost price of the finished product less estimated costs of completion.

F) Revenue Recognition: Sale of Goods:

Revenue from sale of goods is recognized when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the customer.


Revenue is recognized when the right to receive is established.


Revenue is recognized on a time proportion basis taking into account the amount outstanding and the applicable rate of interest.

G) Designs Development costs:

Expenditure incurred on Design and development is charged to profit and loss account in the year it is incurred.

Capital expenditure is included in the respective heads under fixed assets and depreciation / amortization thereon is charged to profit and loss account.

H) Employee Retirement Benefits:

1) Short-term employee benefits are recognized as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered.

2) Post employment and other long term employee benefits are recognized as an expense in the Profit and Loss account for theyear in which the employee has rendered services. The expense is recognized at the present value of the amounts payable determined using actuarial valuation techniques. Actuarial gains and losses in respect of post employment and other long term benefits are charged to the Profit and Loss account.

I) Provision for Taxation

Provision for current tax is made after taking into consideration benefits admissible under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Deferred tax resulting from "timing difference" between taxable and accounting income is accounted using tax rates and laws that are enacted or substantively enacted as on the balance sheet date. Deferred tax asset is recognized and carried forward only to the extent that there is a virtual certainty that the asset will be realized in future.

J) Contingent Liabilities and Provisions:

The Company makes provision when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event where the outflow of economic resources is probable and reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made.

Adisclosure is madefor a contingent liability when there is:

(i) possible obligation, the existence of which will be confirmed by the occurrence/non-occurrence of one or more uncertain events, not fully with in the control of the company.

(ii) present obligation, where it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.

(iii) present obligation, where a reliable estimate cannot be made.

K) Use of estimates:

In preparing Company's financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in India, management is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively in current and future periods.

L) Earnings Per Share

Basic Earnings Per Share ("EPS") is computed by dividing the net profit after tax for the year by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. The weighted average number of shares of the previous year is adjusted for issue of bonus share during the year in compliance with Accounting Standard (AS 20) - Earnings Per Share. For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effects of dilutive potential equity shares.

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