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Notes to Accounts of BCL Industries Ltd.

Mar 31, 2023


A Provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation that can be
estimated reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation. If the effect of the
time value of money is material, provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that
reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability. When discounting is used,
the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as a finance cost.

The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation at the
Reporting date, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation.

Contingent Liabilities are possible obligations that arise from past events and whose existence will only be confirmed by the
occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more future events not wholly within the control of the Company. Where it is not probable
that an outflow of economic benefits will be required, or the amount cannot be estimated reliably, the obligation is disclosed as a
contingent liability, unless the probability of outflow of economic benefits is remote. Contingent liabilities are disclosed on the basis
of a judgment of the management/independent experts. These are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date and are adjusted to
reflect the current management estimate.

C.10. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and Cash Equivalents in the Balance Sheet comprise Cash at Banks and on Hand and short-term deposits with an original
maturity of three months or less, which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

Transactions in Foreign Currencies are initially recorded at the functional currency spot rates at the date the transaction first
qualifies for recognition.

Monetary Assets and Liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the functional currency spot rates of exchange
prevailing at the Reporting date (i.e. at the closing rate). Exchange differences arising on settlement or translation of monetary
items are recognized in Profit or Loss in the year in which it arises except to the extent of exchange differences which are regarded
as an adjustment to interest costs on foreign currency borrowings that are directly attributable to the acquisition or construction
of qualifying assets, are capitalized as cost of assets.

Non-Monetary items are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rate at the
date of the transaction. Non-Monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates
at the date when the fair value was measured. The gain or Loss arising on translation of Non-Monetary items measured at fair
value is treated in line with the recognition of the gain or Loss on the change in fair value of the item (i.e., translation differences on
items whose fair value gain or Loss is recognized in OCI or Statement of Profit and Loss are also recognized in OCI or Statement
of Profit and Loss, respectively).

C.12. Revenue

Revenue from Contracts with customers is recognized when control of the goods or services is transferred to the customer at an
amount that reflects the consideration entitled in exchange for those goods or services. The Company is generally the principal as
it typically controls the goods or services before transferring them to the customer.

Generally, control is transferred upon shipment of goods to the customer or when the goods are made available to the customer,
provided transfer of title to the customer occurs and the Company has not retained any significant risks of ownership or future
obligations with respect to the goods shipped.

Revenue from Rendering of Services is recognised over time by measuring the progress towards complete satisfaction of
performance obligations at the Reporting period.

Revenue from operations includes sale of goods & services net of GST.

C.13. Other Income

Interest Income is recognized, when no significant uncertainty as to measurability or collectability exists, on a time proportion basis
taking into account the amount outstanding and the applicable interest rate.

All other items of income are accounted on accrual basis.

C.14. Employee Benefits

C.14.1 Short Term Employee Benefits

Short-Term Employee Benefit obligations are measured on an undiscounted basis and are expenses as the relative service is
provided. A liability is recognized for the amount expected to be paid e.g., under short-term cash bonus, if the Company has a
present legal or constructive obligation to pay this amount as a result of past service provided by the employee, and the amount
of obligation can be estimated reliably.

C.14.2. Post-Employment Benefits

Employee Benefit that are payable after the completion of employment are Post-Employment Benefit (other than termination
benefit). These are of two type:

(a) Defined Contribution Plans

A Defined-Contribution Plan is a post-employment benefit plan under which an entity pays fixed contributions into separate
entities and will have no legal or constructive obligation to pay further amounts. Obligations for contributions to defined
contribution plans are recognized as an employee benefits expense in Profit or Loss in the period during which services are
rendered by employees.

The Company pays a fixed contribution to government-administered provident fund scheme, ESI Scheme and Labour Welfare
Fund scheme at predetermined rates. The contributions to the fund for the year are recognized as expenses and are charged
to the Profit or Loss.

(b) Defined Benefit Plans

A Defined Benefit Plan is a post-employment benefit plan other than a defined contribution plan. The Company''s liability
towards gratuity is in the nature of defined benefit plans.

The Company''s net obligation in respect of defined benefit plan is calculated separately by estimating the amount of future
benefit that employees have earned in return for their service in the current and prior periods; that benefit is discounted to
determine its present value. Any unrecognized past service costs are deducted. The discount rate is based on the prevailing
market yields of Indian government securities as at the Reporting date that have maturity dates approximating the terms of
the Company''s obligations and that are denominated in the same currency in which the benefits are expected to be paid.

The calculation is performed annually by a qualified actuary using the projected unit credit method. When the calculation
results in a benefit to the Company, the recognized asset is limited to the total of any unrecognized past service costs. Any
actuarial gains or Losses are recognized in other comprehensive income in the period in which they arise.

C.15. Income Tax

Income Tax Expense comprises Current and Deferred Tax. Current Tax expense is recognized in Profit or Loss except to the extent
that it relates to items recognized directly in other comprehensive income, in which case it is recognized in OCI.

Current Tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted and
as applicable at the Reporting date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. The amount of current tax
reflects the best estimate of the tax amount expected to be paid or received after considering the uncertainty, if any, related to
income taxes. It is measured using tax rates (and tax laws) enacted or substantively enacted by the Reporting date.

Deferred Tax is recognized on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the Financial
Statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable Profit.

Deferred Tax assets are recognized to the extent it is probable that taxable Profit will be available against which the deductible
temporary differences and the carry forward of unused tax Losses can be utilized. Deferred tax liabilities and assets are measured
at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period in which the liability is settled or the asset realized, based on tax rates (and
tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the Reporting period. The carrying amount of deferred
tax liabilities and assets are reviewed at the end of each Reporting period.

C.16. Asset Classified as Held for Sale

Non-Current Assets are classified as held for sale if their carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction
rather than through continuing use and sale is considered highly probable.

A sale is considered as highly probable when decision has been made to sell, assets are available for immediate sale in their
present condition, assets are being actively marketed and sale has been agreed or is expected to be concluded within 12 months
of the date of classification.

Non-current assets held for sale are neither depreciated nor amortized. Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale are measured
at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less cost of sale and are presented separately in the Balance Sheet.

C.17. Earnings Per Share

Basic earnings per equity share is computed by dividing the net Profit or Loss attributable to equity shareholders of the Company
by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the Financial year.

Diluted earnings per equity share is computed by dividing the net Profit or Loss attributable to equity shareholders of the Company
by the weighted average number of equity shares considered for deriving basic earnings per equity share and also the weighted
average number of equity shares that could have been issued upon conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares.

C.18. Operating Segment

In accordance with Ind-As 108, the operating segments used to present segment information are identified on the basis of internal
reports used by the Company''s Management to allocate resources to the segments and assess their performance. The Board of
Directors is collectively the Company''s ‘Chief Operating Decision Maker'' or ‘CODM'' within the meaning of Ind AS 108. The indicators
used for internal Reporting purposes may evolve in connection with performance assessment measures put in place by the
Company from time to time.

C.19. Equity Investment

Equity Investments in subsidiary is measured at cost. The investments are reviewed at each Reporting date to determine whether
there is any indication of impairment considering the provisions of Ind AS 36 ‘Impairment of Assets''. If any such indication exists,
a policy for impairment of non-Financial assets is followed.

C.20. Financial Instruments

A financial Instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of
another entity.

C.20.1 Financial Assets

Initial Recognition and Measurement

All Financial Assets and Liabilities are initially recognized at fair value. Transaction costs that are directly attributable to the
acquisition or issue of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities, which are not at fair value through Profit or Loss, are adjusted to the
fair value on initial recognition. Purchase and sale of Financial Assets are recognized using trade date accounting.

Subsequent Measurement

Debt Instruments at Amortized Cost

A ‘Debt Instrument'' is Measured at the Amortized Cost if both the following conditions are met:

(a) The Asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold assets for collecting contractual cash flows, and

(b) Contractual terms of the asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest
(SPPI) on the principal amount outstanding.

After initial measurement, such Financial Assets are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the EIR method. This category
generally applies to trade and other receivables.

Equity Investments

All Equity Investments in entities are measured (except equity investment in subsidiary) at fair value. Equity instruments which are
held for trading are classified as at FVTPL. For all other Equity Instruments, the Company decides to classify the same either as at
FVTOCI or FVTPL. The Company makes such election on an instrument by instrument basis. The classification is made on initial
recognition and is irrevocable.

Equity Investments in subsidiary are carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses, If any

A Financial Asset is primarily derecognized when:

• The Rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired, or

• The Company has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset or has assumed an obligation to pay the received
cash flows in full without material delay to a third party under a ‘pass-through'' arrangement; and either

(a) The Company has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or

(b) The Company has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset but has transferred
control of the asset.

Impairment of Financial Assets

The impairment provisions for Financial Assets are based on assumptions about the risk of default and expected cash Loss rates.
The Company uses judgment in making these assumptions and selecting the inputs to the impairment calculation, based on
Company''s past history, existing market conditions as well as forward-looking estimates at the end of each Reporting period

C.20.2 Financial Liabilities

Initial Recognition and Measurement

Financial liabilities are classified, at initial recognition, as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, borrowings, payables,
or as derivatives designated as hedging instruments in an effective hedge, as appropriate. All Financial liabilities are recognized
initially at fair value and, in the case of borrowings and payables, it is recognised net of directly attributable transaction costs. The
Company''s Financial liabilities include trade and other payables, borrowings, and derivative financial instruments.

Subsequent Measurement

The measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification, as described below:

Financial liabilities at amortized cost:

After initial measurement, such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the EIR method. This
category generally applies to borrowings, trade payables, and other contractual liabilities.


A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or expires. When an existing
financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms or the terms of an existing liability are

substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as the de-recognition of the original liability and the recognition
of a new liability. The difference in the respective carrying amounts is recognized in the Statement of Profit or Loss.

C. 20.3 Offsetting

Financial Assets and Liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the Balance Sheet where there is a legally enforceable
right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or realize the asset and settle the liability
simultaneously. The legally enforceable right must not be contingent on future events and must be enforceable in the normal
course of business and in the event of default, insolvency, or bankruptcy of the Company or the counterparty.

D. Use of Estimates and Management Judgments

The Preparation of Financial Statements requires management to make judgments, estimates, and assumptions that may impact
the application of accounting policies and the reported value of assets, liabilities, income, expenses, and related disclosures
concerning the items involved as well as contingent assets and liabilities at the Balance Sheet date. The estimates and management''s
judgments are based on previous experience and other factors considered reasonable and prudent in the circumstances. Actual
results may differ from these estimates.

Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the
period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected.

In order to enhance understanding of the Financial Statements, information about significant areas of estimation, uncertainty
and critical judgments in applying accounting policies that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the
Standalone Financial Statements are as under:

D.1. Useful life of Property, Plant, and Equipment/ Intangible Assets

The estimated useful life of Property, Plant and Equipment/ Intangible Assets is based on a number of factors including the effects
of obsolescence, demand, competition, and other economic factors (such as the stability of the industry and known technological
advances) and the level of maintenance expenditures required to obtain the expected future cash flows from the asset.

The Company reviews at the end of each Reporting date the useful life of Property, Plant, and Equipment/ Intangible Assets and
are adjusted prospectively, if appropriate.

D.2. Recoverable amount of Property, Plant, and Equipment

The recoverable amount of Plant and Equipment is based on estimates and assumptions regarding in particular the expected
market outlook and future cash flows. Any changes in these assumptions may have a material impact on the measurement of the
recoverable amount and could result in impairment.

D.3. Employee Benefit Plans

Employee benefit obligations are measured on the basis of actuarial assumptions and management calculation which include
mortality and withdrawal rates as well as assumptions concerning future developments in discount rates, the rate of salary
increases, and the inflation rate. The Company considers that the assumptions used to measure its obligations are appropriate and
documented. However, any changes in these assumptions may have a material impact on the resulting calculations.

D.4. Leases

The Company evaluates if an arrangement qualifies to be a lease as per the requirements of Ind AS 116. Identification of a lease
requires significant judgment. The Company uses judgment in assessing whether a contract (or part of a contract) includes a lease,
the lease team (including anticipated renewals), the applicable discount rate, variable lease payments whether are in-substance
fixed. The judgment involves assessment of whether the asset included in the contract is a fully or partly identified asset based on
the facts and circumstances, whether the contract includes a lease and non-lease component and if so, separation thereof for the
purpose of recognition and measurement, determination of lease term basis, inter alia the non-cancellable period of the lease and
whether the lessee intends to opt for continuing with the use of the asset upon the expiry thereof, and whether the lease payments
are fixed or variable or a combination of both.

D.5. Provisions and Contingencies

The assessments undertaken in recognizing provisions and contingencies have been made in accordance with Ind AS 37,
‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets''. The evaluation of the likelihood of the contingent events has required
best judgment by management regarding the probability of exposure to potential Loss. Should circumstances change following
unforeseeable developments, this likelihood could alter.

D.6. Recoverability of Trade Receivables

Judgments are required in assessing the recoverability of overdue Trade Receivables and determining whether a provision against
those receivables is required. Factors considered include the amount and timing of anticipated future payments and any possible
actions that can be taken to mitigate the risk of non-payment.

D.7. Fair Value Measurement

For estimates relating to the fair value of financial instruments Refer Note 35.3 of Financial Statements

Mar 31, 2018


BCL Industries Limited (“the company”) is a listed entity incorporated in India.

The address of its register office and principal place of business is “HAZI RATTAN LINK ROAD, POST BOX NO. 71, BHATINDA (PB) -151001”.

The estimates of rate of escalation in salary considered in actuarial valuation, take into account inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors including supply and demand in the employment market. The above information is certified by the actuary.

The Expected Rate of Return on Plan Assets is determined considering several applicable factors, mainly the composition of Plan assets held, assessed risks, historical results of return on Plan Assets and the Company’s policy for Plan Assets Management.



Significant Actuarial Assumptions for the determination of the defined benefit obligation are discount trade, expected salary increase and employee turnover. The sensitivity analysis below, have been determined based on reasonably possible changes of the assumptions occurring at end of the reporting period , while holding all other assumptions constant. The result of Sensitivity analysis is given below:

These plans typically expose the Group to actuarial risks such as: investment risk, interest risk, longevity risk and salary risk.

Investment risk: The present value of the defined benefit plan liability is calculated using a discount rate which is determined by reference to market yields at the end of the reporting period on government bonds.

Interest risk: A decrease in the bond interest rate will increase the plan liability; however, this will be partially offset by an increase in the return on the plan debt investments.

Longevity risk: The present value of the defined benefit plan liability is calculated by reference to the best estimate of the mortality of plan participants both during and after their employment. An increase in the life expectancy of the plan participants will increase the plan’s liability.

Salary risk: The present value of the defined plan liability is calculated by reference to the future salaries of plan participants. As such, an increase in the salary of the plan participants will increase the plan’s liability.


(a) CSR amount required to be spent as per section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Schedule VII required by the company during the year.

(b) Expenditure related to Corporate Social Responsibility is Rs. 18.49 lakhs (Previous Year 27.74 lakhs)


i) As per Ind AS 24, the disclosures of transactions with the related parties are given below:

List of related parties where control exists and also related parties with whom transactions have taken place and relationships :


(1) The transactions with related parties are made on terms equivalent to those that prevail in arm’s length transactions.

(2) Review of outstanding balances is undertaken each financial year through examining the financial position of the related party and the market in which the related party operates.

These balances are unsecured and their settlement occurs through Banking channel.


(a) There is no outstanding demand of any assessment year till A/Y 2016-17 and the assessment for the assessment year 2017-18 is lying pending.



The Company manages its capital to ensure that it will continue as going concern while maximising the return to stakeholders.

The company manages its capital structure and make adjustment in light of changes in business condition. The overall strategy remains unchanged as compare to last year.

The Company adheres to a robust Capital Management framework which is underpinned by the following guiding principles;

a) Maintain financial strength to ensure BBB Stable ratings domestically and investment grade ratings internationally.

b) Ensure financial flexibility and diversify sources of financing and their maturities to minimize liquidity risk while meeting investment requirements.

c) Proactively manage group exposure in forex, interest and commodities to mitigate risk to earnings.

d) Leverage optimally in order to maximize shareholder returns while maintaining strength and flexibility of the Balance sheet.

This framework is adjusted based on underlying macro-economic factors affecting business environment, financial market conditions and interest rates environment.



All financial instruments are initially recognized and subsequently re-measured at fair value as described below:

a) The fair value of investment in quoted Equity Shares is measured at quoted price.

b) The fair value of Forward Foreign Exchange contracts and Currency Swaps is determined using forward exchange rates and yield curves at the balance sheet date.

c) The fair value of Foreign Currency Option contracts is determined using the Black Scholes valuation model.

d) Commodity derivative contracts are valued using readily available information in markets and quotations from exchange, brokers and price index developers.

e) The fair value of the remaining financial instruments is determined using discounted cash flow analysis.

f) All foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities are translated using exchange rate at reporting date.

The financial instruments are categorized into two levels based on the inputs used to arrive at fair value measurements as described below:

Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities; and

Level 2: Inputs other than the quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.

Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).


The following table shows foreign currency exposures in USD, EUR and JPY on financial instruments at the end of the reporting period. The exposure to foreign currency for all other currencies are not material.

Commodity Price Risk

Commodity price risk arises due to flucation in prices of crude oil, other feed stock and products. The company has a risk management framework aimed at prudently managing the risk arising from the volatility in commodity prices and freight costs

The company’s commodity risk is managed centrally through well-established trading operations and control processes. In accordance with the risk management policy, the company enters into various transactions using derivatives and uses over the counter (OTC) as well as Exchange Traded Futures, Options and swap contracts to hedge its commodity and freights exposure.

Credit Risk

Credit risk is the risk that a customer or counterparty to a financial instrument will fail to perform or pay amounts due causing financial loss to the company. It arises from cash and cash equivalents, financial instruments and principally from credit exposures to customers relating to outstanding receivables. The Company deals with highly rated counter parties.

Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that suitable sources of funding for the company’s business activities may not be available. Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and marketable securities and the availability of funding through an adequate amount of committed credit facilities to meet obligations when due, so that the company is not forced to obtain funds at higher rates. The Company monitors rolling forecasts of the Company’s cash flow position and ensure that the Company is able to meet its financial obligation at all times including contingencies.


The Board of Directors have not recommended payment of dividend.


The Company has identify three reportable segements viz. Oil & Vanaspati, Distillery and Real Estate. All the activities of the Company revolve around these main business. Accordingly, the Company has only three identifiable segment reportable under Ind AS 108 “Operating Segment”. The Managing Director (the ‘Chief Operational Decision Maker as defined in IND AS 108 - Operating Segments) monitors the operating results of the entity’s business for the purpose of making decisions about resource allocation and performance assessment.

The accounting policies adopted for segment reporting are in line with the accounting policy of the Company with following additional policies for segment reporting.

a) Revenue and Expenses have been identified to a segment on the basis of relationship to operating activities of the segment. Revenue and Expenses which relate to enterprise as a whole and are not allocable to a segment on reasonable basis have been disclosed as “Unallocable”.

b) Segment Assets and Segment Liabilities represent Assets and Liabilities in respective segments. Investments, tax related assets and other assets and liabilities that cannot be allocated to a segment on reasonable basis have been disclosed as “Unallocable”.

Note:Unallocable Liabilities include Deferred Tax & Current Tax Liabilities.

1 Inter segment pricing are at Arm’s length basis.

2 As per Indian Accounting Standard 108 - Operating Segments, the Company has reported segment information on standalone basis.

3 The reportable Segments are further described below :

- The refining segement includes production and marketing operations of the Oil and Vanaspati Ghee

- The Distillery segement includes production and marketing operations of The Liquor for human consumption.

- The Real Estate segement includes construction of residential house.


The financial statements were approved for issue by the board of directors on 30/05/2018


The above information has been detemined to the extent such parties have been identified on the basis of information provided by the company, which has been relied upon by the auditors.


I Fair valuation for Financial Assets:

The Company has valued financial assets (other than Investment in associate which are accounted at cost), at fair value. Impact of fair value changes as on the date of transition, is recognised in opening reserves and changes thereafter are recognised in Statement of Profit and Loss or Other Comprehensive Income, as the case may be.

II Deferred Tax:

Income Tax impact on fair valuation of financial assets are given in the Deferred Tax Asset or, Liability.

III Others:

a) Actuarial Gain / (Loss) on Defined Benefit plan given in Other Comprehensive Income and corresponding Income Tax effect was given in the provision for Income Tax for Other Comprehensive Income.

b) As per Ind AS, the liability for propsed dividend is recognised in the year in which it has been declared and approved.

Mar 31, 2015

I The Company has only one class of shares refer to as equity shares having a par value of Rs.10/- each. Each holder of equity shares is entitled to one vote per share.

ii The Company declares and pays dividends in Indian Rupees. The dividend propose by the Board of Directors is subject to the approval of share holders in the ensuing Annual General Meeting

iii The Board of Directors, in its meeting held on February 14, 2015 declared an interim dividend of 0.60 paisa per equity share. Further the Board of Directors, in its meeting May 30, 2015 have proposed a final dividend of 0.40 paisa per equity share for the financial year ended March 31, 2015. The proposal is subject to the approval of share holders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on September 26, 2015. The total appropriation for the year ended March 31, 2015 would amount to approximately Rs.169.80 lacs including Corporate Dividend Tax of Rs.28.30 lacs.

iv In the event of liquidation of the company, the holders of equity shares will be entitled to received any of the remaining assets of the company in proportion to the number of equity shares held by the share holders, after distribution of all preferential amounts

Mar 31, 2014

1. Related Party Disclosures

As per Accounting Standard 18, the disclosure of transactions with the related parties are given below: -

i) Related Party where control exists: NIL

ii) The list of related parties where significant influence exists & with whom transaction have taken place and relationship :

Name of the Related Party Relationship

Kissan Fats Limited, Associate Company Bathinda

R.K. Exports, Bathinda Director'' s Concern Prop. Sh. Rajinder Mittal

Name of the Related Party Nature of Transaction Amount Amount

Sale of Goods: i) Oil & Vanaspati Unit ii) Distillery Unit

Purchase of Goods : i) Oil & Vanaspati Unit Kissan Fats Limited, ii) Distillery Unit Bathinda Milling Charges

Interest Paid / Credited

R.K. Exports, Bathinda Purchase of Goods Prop. Sh. Rajinder Mittal Interest Received/Debited

2013-14 2012-13 (Amount Rs. in Lacs)

Name of the Related Party 1975.78 7192.22 - 7.76

3460.95 9063.69 Kissan Fats Limited, 226.71 193.01 Bathinda - 4.55

86.84 369.20

R.K. Exports, Bathinda 4284.23 1240.56 Prop. Sh. Rajinder Mittal 339.46 333.00

Name Relationship Nature

1. Sh. Rajinder Mittal Managing Director Remuneration

2. Sh. S.N. Goyal Whole Time Director Remuneration


1. Sh. Rajinder Mittal 12.00 12.00

2. Sh. S.N. Goyal 3.60 1.95

15.60 13.95

2. Impairment of fixed Assets

The company has reviewed as at 31 /03/2014 the future earnings of its cash generation unit in accordance with AS-28 issued by ICAI. As the carrying amount of the assets does not exceed the future recoverable amount consequently no adjustment is considered necessary by the management .

3. Previous year''s figures have been regrouped/reclassified wherever necessary to correspond with the current year''s classification/disclosure.

4. In the opinion of the Board of Directors, Current Assets, Loan and Advances etc; are realizable at the value approximately at which they are stated in the Balance Sheet in the ordinary course of business.

5. Provision for current tax

The Provision of Income Tax has been made as per the advice of Income Tax Advocate. If any extra demand is raised by income tax authorities that is accounted for in the year of payment/ final adjustment.

6. Segment Information

The company has indentified three reportable segments viz. Oil &Vanaspati, Distillery unit and Real Estate. The segment has been indentified and reported taking into account unitwise, nature of product and services. The accounting policies adopted for segment reporting are in line with the accounting policy of the company with following additional policies for segment reporting:

a) Revenue & Expenses have been identified to a segment on the basis of relationship to operating activities of the segment. Revenue and expenses which relate to enterprise as a whole & are not allocable to a segment on reasonable basis has been disclosed as "Unallowable".

Mar 31, 2013

1. Retirement Benefits

a) Company''s contribution to Provident Fund is charged to Profit & Loss Account ?:

b) The Provision for Gratuity is made on the estimated basis.

2. Related Party Disclosures

a) Related Party where control exists: NIL

b) Related Party where significant influence exists:

3. Impairment of fixed Assets

The company has reviewed as at 31" March, 2013 the future earnings of its cash generation unit in accordance with AS-28 issued by ICAI. As the carrying amount of theassets does not exceed the future recoverable amount, consequently no adjustment Is considered necessary by the management

4. Previous year''s figures have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary to correspond with the current year''s classification / disclosure.

5. In the opinion of the Board of Directors, Current Assets, Loan and Advances etc; are realizable at the value approximately at which they are stated in the Balance Sheet in the ordinary course of business.

6. Balance in various personal accounts remains unverified since confirmations from the parties not received.

7. Provision for current tax

The Provision of Income Tax has been made as per the advice of Income Tax Advocate. If any extra demand is raised by income tax authorities that is accounted for in the year of payment/ final adjustment.

8. Segment Information

The company has identified three reportable segments viz. Oil & Vanaspati, Distillery unit and Real Estate. The segment has been identified and reported taking into account unitwise, Nature of product and services. The - accounting policies adopted for segment reporting are in line with the accounting policy of the company with following additional policies for segment reporting:

a) Revenue & Expenses have been identified to an independent unit

b) Segment Assets & Segment Liabilities represent assets & liabilities in respective segment units. Investments. Tax related tax and other assets and liabilities that cannot be allocated to a segment on reasonable basis have been disclosed as "Unallocated''''.

Mar 31, 2012

NOTE 1: Disclosure relating to Share Capital

i Preferential allotment of Equity Shares in pursuant to conversion of Warrants:

The Company has allotted 8000000 Fully paid up Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 21 per share to the promoters and Bodies corporate other than promoters pursuant to the conversion of warrants which were originally allotted on a preferential allotment basis after seeking the permission from all the statutory authorities and duly approved in 34th annual general meeting.

ii Particulars of Share Warrants Application Money

During the previous year i.e Financial year 2010-11, the company had allotted 8000000 warrants at a price of Rs. 31 per warrant optionaly convertible into equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 21 each to the promoters and bodies corporate other than the promoters as per scheme approved in the 34th Annual General Meeting and the company received Rs. 620 lacs as application money @ 7 7.75 per warrant.

Mar 31, 2011

1. Previous year's figures have been reworked, regrouped, rearranged & reclassified wherever necessary.

2. In the opinion of the Board of Directors, Current Assets, Loans and Advances are realisable at the value approximately at which they are stated in the Balance Sheet in the ordinary course of business.

3. In the opinion of Board, there is no contingent liability.

4. Balance in various personal accounts remains unverified since confirmations from the parties are awaited.

5. The Income Tax Assessments of the Company have been completed upto assessment year 2009-10 and no tax liability is due.

6. Deferred Tax Liability:

a) Deferred Tax resulting from timings differences between book and tax profits is accounted for at the current rate of tax, to the extent that the timing difference is expected to crystallize.

b) Pursuant to Accounting Standard (AS) 22 - Accounting for taxes on income, the company has recorded a cumulative Deferred Tax Assets of Rs. 11.59 Lacs for the year which has been credited to Profit & Loss Account. The major components of deferred tax assets and liabilities as at 31st March, 2011 arising out of timing differences are as under.

Mar 31, 2010

1. Previous years figures have been reworked, regrouped, rearranged & reclassified wherever necessary.

2. In the opinion of the Board of Directors, Current Assets, Loans and Advances are realisable at the value approximately at which they are stated in the Balance Sheet in the ordinary course of business.

3. In the opinion of Board, there is no contingent liability.

4. Advance due from Companies under the same Management and concerns in which Directors are interested, are as per list.

5. Balance in various personal accounts remains unverified since confirmations from the parties are awaited.

6. The Income Tax Assessment of the Company have been completed upto assessment year 2005- 2006 and no tax liability is due.

7. Deferred Tax Liability:

a) Deferred Tax resulting from timings differences between book and tax profits is accounted for at the current rate of tax, to the extent that the timing difference is expected to crystallize.

b) Pursuant to Accounting Standard (AS) 22 Accounting for taxes on income, the company has recorded a cumulative Deferred Tax Liability of Rs. 4.24 Lacs for the year which has been debited to Profit & Loss Account. The major components of deferred tax assets and liabilities as at 31 st March, arising out of timing differences are as under:

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