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Accounting Policies of Neueon Towers Ltd. Company

Mar 31, 2016


1. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

Financial statements are prepared on Accrual basis under the historical cost convention in accordance with the Accounting Standards as notified by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 1956.

2. Use of Estimates

The Preparation of financial statements, in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenue and expenses for the period.

Estimates are based on historical experience where applicable and other assumptions that management believes are reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results could vary from these estimates and any such differences are dealt with in the period in which the results are known/ materialize.

3. Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss if any. Cost comprises the purchase price and any directly attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. Borrowing costs relating to acquisition of fixed assets which take substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use are also included to the extent they relate to the period till such assets are ready to be put to use.

4. Depreciation

Depreciation on fixed assets is provided on Straight Line method at the rates and in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 2013.

5. Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized when it is earned and to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the company and the revenue can be reliably measured.

Revenue from sale of manufactured goods is recognized on physical delivery of the products, when all significant contractual obligations have been satisfied, the property in the goods is transferred for a price, significant risks and rewards of ownership are transferred to the customers and no effective ownership is retained.

Revenue from traded goods is recognized on symbolic delivery. Significant risks and rewards incidental to ownership are transferred upon issuance of tax invoice and acknowledged by the customers.

Sales are net of sales returns and trade discounts. Export turnover includes related export benefits. Excise duty recovered is presented as a reduction from gross turnover.

6. Inventories

Cost of Inventories comprises - of Cost of Purchase, cost of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing them to their present location and condition.

Raw Materials and Work-in-Progress are valued at cost using the Weighted Average cost method.

Finished Goods- produced and purchased are valued at Cost or Net Realizable value whichever is lower.

Excise duty in respect of finished goods awaiting dispatch is included in the valuation of inventory.

Stores and Spares, Packing material are carried at cost, ascertained on weighted average basis. Necessary provision is made in the case of obsolete and non moving items.

7. Investments

Long-term investments are carried at cost less provision for other than temporary diminution in the carrying value of each investment. Current investments are stated at the lower of cost or quoted /fair value.

8. Leases

Lease arrangements where the risks and rewards incident to the ownership of an asset substantially vest with the lessor, are recognized as Operating leases. Lease rentals under operating leases are recognized in the Profit and Loss account on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

9. Employee Benefits

Short term employee benefits (benefits which are repayable within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employees render service) are measured at cost and are recognized as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related services are rendered.

Contributions to Provident Fund, a defined contribution plan, are made in accordance with the statute and are recognized as an expense when employees have rendered service entitling them to the contributions.

Other long term employee benefits (benefits which are payable after the end of twelve months from the end of the year in which the employees render service) are measured on a discounted basis by the Projected Unit Credit Method on the basis of actuarial valuation. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized in the profit and loss account.

10. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

A provision is recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made.

Contingent liabilities are not provided for and are disclosed by way of notes.

Contingent assets are neither recognized, nor disclosed in the financial statements.

11. Foreign Currency Transactions

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the dates of transactions and in the case of purchase of material and sale of goods, the exchange gains/losses on the settlements during the year are changed to profit and loss account.

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing as on the date of Balance Sheet.

12. Borrowing Cost

Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying fixed assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets till such time as the asset is ready for its intended use or sale.

13. Taxation

Current tax is determined as the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income of the year. Deferred tax for timing differences between the income as per the financial statement and income as per the Income tax Act, 1961 is accounted for using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted as of the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax assets arising from timing differences are recognized to the extent there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be created.

14. Impairment of Assets

Assets that are subject to impairment are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount.

15. Earnings per Share

The earnings considered in ascertaining EPS comprises the Net Profit after tax. The numbers of shares used in computing the Basic EPS are the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.

For the purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effect of all dilutive potential equity shares.

16. Cash flow statement

Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby net profit before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payment. The cash flows from regular revenue generating investment and financing activities of the Company are segregated.

Mar 31, 2014

1. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

Financial statements are prepared on Accrual basis under the historical cost convention in accordance with the Accounting Standards as notified by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 1956.

2. Use of Estimates

The Preparation of financial statements, in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenue and expenses for the period.

Estimates are based on historical experience where applicable and other assumptions that management believes are reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results could vary from these estimates and any such differences are dealt with in the period in which the results are known/ materialize.

3. Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss if any. Cost comprises the purchase price and any directly attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. Borrowing costs relating to acquisition of fixed assets which take substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use are also included to the extent they relate to the period till such assets are ready to be put to use.

4. Depreciation

Depreciation on fixed assets is provided on Straight Line method at the rates and in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act 1956.

5. Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized when it is earned and to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the company and the revenue can be reliably measured.

Revenue from sale of manufactured goods is recognized on physical delivery of the products, when all significant contractual obligations have been satisfied, the property in the goods is transferred for a price, significant risks and rewards of ownership are transferred to the customers and no effective ownership is retained.

Revenue from traded goods is recognized on symbolic delivery. Significant risks and rewards incidental to ownership are transferred upon issuance of tax invoice and acknowledged by the customers.

Sales are net of sales returns and trade discounts. Export turnover includes related export benefits. Excise duty recovered is presented as a reduction from gross turnover.

6. Inventories

Cost of Inventories comprises - of Cost of Purchase, cost of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing them to their present location and condition.

Raw Materials and Work-in-Progress are valued at cost using the Weighted Average cost method.

Finished Goods- produced and purchased are valued at Cost or Net Realizable value whichever is lower.

Excise duty in respect of finished goods awaiting dispatch is included in the valuation of inventory.

Stores and Spares, Packing material are carried at cost, ascertained on weighted average basis. Necessary provision is made in the case of obsolete and non moving items.

7. Investments

Long-term investments are carried at cost less provision for other than temporary diminution in the carrying value of each investment. Current investments are stated at the lower of cost or quoted /fair value.

8. Leases

Lease arrangements where the risks and rewards incident to the ownership of an asset substantially vest with the lessor, are recognized as Operating leases. Lease rentals under operating leases are recognized in the Profit and Loss account on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

9. Employee Benefits

Short term employee benefits (benefits which are repayable within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employees render service) are measured at cost and are recognized as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related services are rendered.

Contributions to Provident Fund, a defined contribution plan, are made in accordance with the statute and are recognized as an expense when employees have rendered service entitling them to the contributions.

Other long term employee benefits (benefits which are payable after the end of twelve months from the end of the year in which the employees render service) are measured on a discounted basis by the Projected Unit Credit Method on the basis of actuarial valuation. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized in the profit and loss account.

10. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

A provision is recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made.

Contingent liabilities are not provided for and are disclosed by way of notes.

Contingent assets are neither recognized, nor disclosed in the financial statements.

11. Foreign Currency Transactions

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the dates of transactions and in the case of purchase of material and sale of goods, the exchange gains/losses on the settlements during the year are changed to profit and loss account.

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing as on the date of Balance Sheet.

12. Borrowing Cost

Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying fixed assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets till such time as the asset is ready for its intended use or sale.

13. Taxation

Current tax is determined as the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income of the year. Deferred tax for timing differences between the income as per the financial statement and income as per the Income tax Act 1961 is accounted for using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted as of the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax assets arising from timing differences are recognized to the extent there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be created.

14. Impairment of Assets

Assets that are subject to impairment are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the asset''s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount.

15. Earnings per Share

The earnings considered in ascertaining EPS comprises the Net Profit after tax. The numbers of shares used in computing the Basic EPS are the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.

For the purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effect of all dilutive potential equity shares.

16. Cash flow statement

Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby net profit before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payment. The cash flows from regular revenue generating investment and financing activities of the Company are segregated.

Mar 31, 2013

1. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

Financial statements are prepared on accrual basis under the historical cost convention in accordance with the Accounting Standards as notified by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.

2. Use of Estimates

The Preparation of financial statements, in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenue and expenses for the period.

Estimates are based on historical experience, where applicable and other assumptions that management believes are reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results could vary from these estimates and any such differences are dealt with in the period in which the results are known/materialize.

3. Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss if any. Cost comprises the purchase price and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. Borrowing costs relating to acquisition of fixed assets which takes substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use are also included to the extent they relate to the period till such assets are ready to be put to use.

4. Depreciation

Depreciation on fixed assets is provided on Straight Line method at the rates and in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act 1956.

5. Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized when it is earned and to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company and the revenue can be reliably measured.

Revenue from sale of manufactured goods is recognized on physical delivery of the products, when all significant contractual obligations have been satisfied, the property in the goods is transferred for a price, significant risks and rewards of ownership are transferred to the customers and no effective ownership is retained.

Revenue from traded goods is recognized on symbolic delivery. Significant risks and rewards incidental to ownership are transferred upon issuance of tax invoice and acknowledged by the customers.

Sales are net of sales returns and trade discounts. Export turnover includes related export benefits. Excise duty recovered is presented as a reduction from gross turnover.

6. Inventories

Cost of inventories, comprises of cost of purchase, cost of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing them to their respective location and condition.

Raw materials and work-in-progress are valued at cost using the weighted average cost method.

Finished goods produced and purchased are valued at cost or net realizable value whichever is lower. Excise duty in respect of finished goods awaiting dispatch is included in valuation of inventory.

Stores and spares and packing material are carried at cost, ascertained on weighted average basis. Necessary provision is made in the case of obsolete and non moving items.

7. Investments

Long-term investments are carried at cost less provision for other than temporary diminution in the carrying value of each investment. Current investments are stated at the lower of cost or quoted /fair value.

8. Leases

Lease arrangements where the risks and rewards incident to the ownership of an asset substantially vest with the lessor, are recognized as operating leases. Lease rentals under operating leases are recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

9. Employee Benefits

Short term employee benefits (benefits which are repayable within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employees render service) are measured at cost and are recognized as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered.

Contributions to Provident Fund, a defined contribution plan are made in accordance with the statute and are recognized as an expense when employees have rendered service entitling them to the contributions.

Other long term employee benefits (benefits which are payable after the end of twelve months from the end of the year in which the employees render service) are measured on a discounted basis by the Projected Unit Credit Method on the basis of actuarial valuation. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized in the profit and loss account.

10. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

A provision is recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made.

Contingent liabilities are not provided for and are disclosed by way of notes.

Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements.

11. Foreign Currency Transactions

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the dates of transactions and in the case of purchase of material and sale of goods, the exchange gains/losses on the settlements during the year are changed to profit and loss account.

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing as on the date of Balance Sheet.

12. Borrowing Cost

Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying fixed assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets till such time as the asset is ready for its intended use or sale.

13. Taxation

Current tax is determined as the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income of the year. Deferred tax for timing differences between the income as per the financial statement and income as per the Income tax Act 1961 is accounted for using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted as of the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax assets arising from the timing differences are recognized to the extent there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be created.

14. Impairment of Assets

Assets that are subject to impairment are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the assets carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount.

15. Earnings per share

The earnings considered in ascertaining EPS comprise the net profit after tax. The number of shares used in computing Basic EPS is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the Period.

For the Purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effect of all dilutive potential equity shares.

16. Cash flow statement

Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby net profit before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payment. The cash flows from regular revenue generating investment and financing activities of the Company are segregated.

Mar 31, 2012

1. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

Financial statements are prepared on accrual basis under the historical cost convention in accordance with the Accounting Standards as notified by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.

2. Use of Estimates

The Preparation of financial statements, in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenue and expenses for the period.

Estimates are based on historical experience, where applicable and other assumptions that management believes are reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results could vary from these estimates and any such differences are dealt with in the period in which the results are known/materialize.

3. Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss if any. Cost comprises the purchase price and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. Borrowing costs relating to acquisition of fixed assets which takes substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use are also included to the extent they relate to the period till such assets are ready to be put to use.

4. Depreciation

Depreciation on fixed assets is provided on straight line method at the rates and in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956.

5. Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized when it is earned and to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company and the revenue can be reliably measured.

Revenue from sale of manufactured goods is recognized on physical delivery of the products, when all significant contractual obligations have been satisfied, the property in the goods is transferred for a price, significant risks and rewards of ownership are transferred to the customers and no effective ownership is retained.

Revenue from traded goods is recognised on symbolic delivery. Significant risks and rewards incidental to ownership are transferred upon issuance of tax invoice and acknowledged by the customers.

Sales are net of sales returns and trade discounts. Export turnover includes related export benefits. Excise duty recovered is presented as a reduction from gross turnover.

6. Inventories

Cost of inventories, comprises of cost of purchase, cost of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing them to their respective present location and condition.

Raw materials and work-in-progress are valued at cost using the weighted average cost method. Finished goods produced and purchased are valued at cost or net realizable value whichever is lower.

Excise duty in respect of finished goods awaiting dispatch is included in valuation of inventory.

Stores and spares and packing material are carried at cost, ascertained on weighted average basis. Necessary provision is made in the case of obsolete and non moving items.

7. Investments

Long-term investments are carried at cost less provision for other than temporary diminution in the carrying value of each investment. Current investments are stated at the lower of cost or quoted/fair value.

8. Leases

Lease arrangements where the risks and rewards incident to the ownership of an asset substantially vest with the lessor, are recognized as operating leases. Lease rentals under operating leases are recognized in the Profit and Loss account on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

9. Employee Benefits

Short term employee benefits (benefits which are repayable within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employees render service) are measured at cost and are recognized as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered.

Contributions to Provident Fund, a defined contribution plan are made in accordance with the statue and are recognized as an expense when employees have rendered service entitling them to the contributions.

Other long term employee benefits (benefits which are payable after the end of twelve months from the end of the year in which the employees render service) are measured on a discounted basis by the Projected Unit Credit Method on the basis of actuarial valuation. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized in the profit and loss account.

10. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

A provision is recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation and in respect of which reliable estimate can be made.

Contingent liabilities are not provided for and are disclosed by way of notes.

Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements.

11. Foreign Currency Transactions

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the dates of transactions and in the case of purchase of material and sale of goods, the exchange gains/ losses on the settlements during the year are changed to profit and loss account.

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing on the date of Balance Sheet.

12. Borrowing Cost

Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying fixed assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets till such time as the asset is ready for its intended use or sale.

13. Taxation

Current tax is determined as the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income of the year. Deferred tax for timing differences between the income as per the financial statement and income as per the Income Tax Act, 1961 is accounted for using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted as of the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax assets arising from the timing differences are recognized to the extent there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be created.

14. Impairment of Assets

Assets that are subject to impairment are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the assets carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount.

15. Earnings Per Share

The earnings considered in ascertaining EPS comprise the net profit after tax. The number of shares used in computing Basic EPS is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the Period.

For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effect of all dilutive potential equity shares.

16. Cash Flow Statement

Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby net profit before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payment. The cash flows from regular revenue generating investment and financing activities of the Company are segregated.

Mar 31, 2011

1. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

Financial statements are prepared on accrual basis under the historical cost convention in accordance with the Accounting Standards as notified by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 1956..

2. Use of Estimates

The Preparation of financial statements, in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenue and expenses for the period.

Estimates are based on historical experience, where applicable and other assumptions that management believes are reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results could vary from these estimates and any such differences are dealt with in the period in which the results are known/materialize.

3. Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss if any. Cost comprises the purchase price and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. Borrowing costs relating to acquisition of Fixed assets which takes substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use are also included to the extent they relate to the period till such assets are ready to be put to use.

4. Depreciation

Depreciation on fixed assets is provided on Straight Line method at the rates and in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act 1956.

5. Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized when it is earned and to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the company and the revenue can be reliably measured.

Revenue from sale of goods is recognized on delivery of the products, when all significant contractual obligations have been satisfied, the property in the goods is transferred for a price, significant risks and rewards of ownership are transferred to the customers and no effective ownership is retained.

6. Inventories

Cost of Inventories, comprises of Cost of Purchase, cost of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing them to their respective present location and condition.

Raw Materials and Work-in-Progress are valued at cost using the weighted average cost method.

Finished Goods produced and purchased are valued at cost or net realizable value whichever is lower.

Excise duty in respect of finished goods awaiting despach is included in valuation of inventory.

Stores and Spares and packing material are carried at cost, ascertained on weighted average basis. Necessary provision is made in the case of obsolete and non moving items.

7. Investments

Long-term investments are carried at cost less provision for other than temporary diminution in the carrying value of each investment. Current investments are stated at the lower of cost or quoted /fair value.

8. Leases

Lease arrangements where the risks and rewards incident to the ownership of an asset substantially vest with the lessor, are recognized as operating leases. Lease rentals under operating leases are recognized in the Profit and Loss account on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

9. Employee Benefits

Short term employee benefits (benefits which are repayable within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employees render service) are measured at cost and are recognized as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered.

Contributions to Provident Fund, a defined contribution plan are made in accordance with the statue and are recognized as an expense when employees have rendered service entitiling them to the contributions.

Other long term employee benefits (benefits which are payable after the end of twelve months from the end of the year in which the employees render service) are measured on a discounted basis by the Projected Unit Credit Method on the basis of actuarial valuation.

Acturial gains and losses are recognized in the profit and loss account.

10. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

A provision is recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation and in respect of which reliable estimate can be made.

Contingent liabilities are not provided for and are disclosed by way of notes.

Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements.

11. Foreign Currency Transactions

Transactins in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the dates of transactions and in the case of purchase of material and sale of goods, the exchange gains/losses on the settlements during the year are changed to profit and loss account.

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing on the date of Balance Sheet.

12. Borrowing Cost

Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying fixed assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets till such time as the asset is ready for its intended use or sale.

13. Taxation

Current tax is determined as the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income of the year. Deferred tax for timing differences between the income as per the financial statement and income as

per the Income tax Act 1961, is accounted for using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted as of the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax assets arising from the timing differences are recognized to the extent there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be created.

14. Impairment of Assets

Assets that are subject to impairment are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the assets carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount.

15. Earnings per share

The earnings considered in ascertaining EPS comprise the net profit after tax. The number of shares used in computing Basic EPS is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the Period.

For the Purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effect of all dilutive potential equity shares.

16. Cash Flow Statement

Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby net profit before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payment. The cash flows from regular revenue generating investment and financing activities of the Company are segregated.

Sep 30, 2009

1. Basis of Preparation OF Financial Statements

Financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention on accrual basis of accounting and in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles in India.

2. Use of Estimates

The Preparation of financial statements, in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and tne reported amount of revenue and expenses for the period.

Estimates are based on historical experience, where applicable and other assumptions that management believes are reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results could vary from these estimates and any such differences are dealt with in the period in which the results are known/materialize.

3. Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss if any. Cost comprises the purchase price and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. Borrowing costs relating to acquisition of Fixed assets which takes substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use are also included to the extent they relate to the period till such assets are ready to be put to use.

4. Intangible Assets

Intangible assets are stated at cost of acquisition less accumulated amortization.

5. Depreciation and Amortization

Depreciation on fixed assets is provided on Straight Line method at the rates and in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act 1956.

6. Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized when it is earned and to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the company and the revenue can be reliably measured.

Revenue from sale of goods is recognized on delivery of the products, when all significant contractual obligations have been satisfied, the property in the goods is transferred for a price, significant risks and rewards of ownership are transferred to the customers and no effective ownership is retained.

7. Inventories

Items of Inventories are measured at lower of Cost or net realizable value after providing for obsolescence, if any. Cost of Inventories, comprises of Cost of Purchase, cost of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing them to their respective present location and condition. Cost of Raw materials, Stores and spares, Packing Materials, trading and other Products are determined on Weighted average basis. Work in process includes material cost and applicable direct overheads. Finished goods are valued at the aggregate of material cost and applicable direct and indirect overheads or market value whichever is lower.

8. Investments

Long-term investments are carried at cost less provision for other than temporary diminution in the carrying value of each investment. Current investments are stated at the lower of cost or quoted /fair value.

9. Leases

Lease arrangements where the risks and rewards incident to the ownership of an asset substantially vest with the lessor, are recognized as operating leases. Lease rentals under operating leases are recognized in the Profit and Loss account on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

10. Employee Benefits

a. Short term employee benefits are charged off at the undiscounted amount in the year in which related service is rendered.

b. i. The companys contribution to provident fund is recognized on accrual basis.

ii. Gratuity and Leave Encashment liability is provided on the basis of an actuarial valuation carried out at the end of each financial year.

11. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

A provision is recognized when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation and in respect of which reliable estimate can be made.

Contingent liabilities are not provided for and are disclosed by way of notes.

Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements.

12. Foreign Currency Transactions

Foreign Currency transactions are recorded at the rates prevailing on the date of transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currency are translated at the period end rates. Exchange differences arising on settlement of transactions and translation of monetary items are recognized as income or expense.

Investments in the equity capital of companies registered outside India are carried in he Balance Sheet at the rates prevailing on the date of transaction.

13. Borrowing Cost

Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying fixed assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets till such time as the asset is ready for its intended use or sale.

14. Taxation

Current tax is determined as the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income of the year. Deferred tax for timing differences between the income as per the financial statement and income as per the Income tax Act 1961, is accounted for using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted as of the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax assets arising from the timing differences are recognized to the extent there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be created.

15. Impairment of Assets

Assets that are subject to impairment are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the assets carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount.

16. Earnings per share

The earnings considered in ascertaining EPS comprise the net profit after tax. The number of shares used in computing Basic EPS is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the Period.

For the Purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effect of all dilutive potential equity shares.

17. Cash flow statement

Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby net profit before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payment. The cash flows from regular revenue generating investment and financing activities of the Company are segregated.

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