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Accounting Policies of Bansal Roofing Products Ltd. Company

Mar 31, 2015

1.1 Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements:

1. These financial statements are prepared in accordance with Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) under the historical cost convention on the accrual basis GAAP comprises mandatory accounting standards as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 ('Act') read with Rule 7 of the Companies(Accounts) Rules, 2014 and guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Accounting policies have been consistently applied except where a newly issued accounting standard is initially adopted or a revision to an existing accounting standard requires a change in the accounting policy hitherto in use.

1.2 Use of Estimates:

The preparation of the financial statements inconformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported balances of assets and liabilities and disclosures relating to contingent liabilities as at the date of the financial statements and reported amounts of income and expenses during the period. Examples of such estimates include computation of percentage of completion which requires the Group to estimate the efforts or costs expended to date a proportion of the total efforts or costs to be expended, provisions for doubtful debts, future obligations under employee retirement benefit plans, income taxes, post-sales customer support and the useful lives of tangible assets and intangible assets (No need to disclose examples).

Accounting estimates could change from period to period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Appropriate changes in estimates are made as the Management becomes aware of changes in circumstances surrounding the estimates. Changes in estimates are reflected in the consolidated financial statements in the period in which changes are made and if material, their effects are disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

2) Revenue recognition:

2.1 Sales and Services

Revenue from sale of goods and services is recognized when the significant risks and rewards in respect of ownership are transferred by the Company inclusive of excise duty net of VAT/Sales Tax/Service Tax.

2.2 Other Income

Other income is recognized on accrual basis except when realization of such income is uncertain.

3) Tangible Assets and Capital work in process

3.1 Tangible Assets are stated at cost, net of CENVAT/VAT credit, if any, after reducing accumulated depreciation until the date of the Balance Sheet. Direct cost are capitalized until the asset are ready for use and include financial cost relating to any borrowing attributable to acquisition of the Tangible assets.

3.2 Capital work in progress includes the cost of Tangible assets that are not yet ready for the intended use and the cost of assets not put to use before the Balance Sheet Date.

4) Depreciation :

Depreciation on tangible assets is provided on the straight line method Over the useful lives of assets. The assets are valued by the Chartered Engineer. Depreciation for assets purchased/sold during the year/period is proportionately charged. Intangible assets are amortized over the irrespective individual estimated useful lives on a straight-line basis, commencing from the date the asset is available for its use.

For these class of assets, based on internal assessment and independent technical evaluation carried out by external valuers the management believes that the usefull lives as given above best represent the period over which management expects to use these assets. Hence the useful lives for these assets is different from the useful lives as prescribed under Part C of Schedule II of the Companies Act 2013.

While computing the depreciation on fixed assets at the time of preparation of half yearly unaudited financials for the period ended on 30.09.2014 which was submitted as in compliance with listing agreement, there was an error whereby the opening balances of the assets as on 01.04.2013 were erroneously shown as opening balances of 01.04.2014

Due to the above error there was a difference of Rs. 5,00,045/- in computing Profit after tax, which amounts to 11.45%.

This matter was approved by board of directors of the company and corrective effects were made in the balance sheet ended on 31.03.2015.

5) Impairment of assets:

An impaired loss is charged to the statement of profit and loss in the year in which an asset is identified as impaired. The impairment loss recognized in prior accounting period is reversed if there has been a change in the estimate of recoverable amount.

6) Foreign Currency Transactions :

Transactions in foreign currencies are recognized at the prevailing exchange rates on the transaction dates. Realize gain and losses on settlement of foreign currency transactions are recognized in the profit and loss account under the natural revenue head of accounts. Exchange differences relating to fixed assets are capitalized to respective Fixed Asset.

7) Inventories:

Stock of Raw Material and WIP is valued at cost, Finished goods are valued at cost or market value whichever is less. Cost of raw Material and finish goods includes the purchase cost (net of any taxes on which credits are received or receivable) and other incidental cost, to bring such material to its present location and condition. The Company follows First in Frist out (FIFO) method for valuation of inventory.

8) Employee benefits:

8.1 Defined-Contribution plans:

Provident fund and pension scheme Defined Contribution Plans in the Company. The Company is a member of recognized Provident Found scheme established under The Provident Found & Miscellaneous Act, 1952 by the Government of India. The Company is contributing 12% of Basic Salary of eligible employees under the scheme every month. The contribution paid or payable under the scheme is recognized during the period under which the employee renders the related services.

8.2 Defined-Benefit Plans:

Employee Gratuity Fund scheme is the Defined Benefit Plan. Provision for gratuity has been made in the accounts, in case of those employees who are eligible for the retirement benefits. Gratuity is paid at the time of retirement of employees. Provision for gratuity liability is provided based on Valuation made by LIC of India.

Short term Employee Benefits like leave benefit, in any, are paid along with salary wages on a month to month basis, bonus to employees are charged to profit and loss account on the basis of bonus payable on year to year basis.

a) Post-employment benefits

i) Defined Contribution plan

The Company's contribution to defined contribution plan paid/payable for the year is charged to Statement of Profit and Loss.

ii) Defined Benefit plan

Company's liabilities towards defined benefit schemes are determined using the Projected Unit Credit Method. Actuarial valuations under the Projected Unit Credit Method are carried out at the balance sheet date. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss in the period of occurrence of such gains and losses. Past service cost is recognized immediately to the extent that the benefits are already vested and otherwise it is amortized on straight-line basis over the remaining average period until the benefits become vested.

The retirement benefit obligation recognized in the balance sheet represents the present value of the defined benefit obligation as reduced by fair value of plan assets.

b. Short-term employee benefits

Short-term employee benefits expected to be paid in exchange for the services rendered by employees are recognized undiscounted during the period employee renders services. These benefits include salary, wages, bonus and performance incentives etc.

c. Long term employee benefits

Compensated absences which are not expected to occur within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employee renders the related services are recognized as an actuarially determined liability at present value of the defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet date.

9) Taxes on Income:

9.1 Current Tax - Provision for current tax / minimum alternate tax (MAT) is made based on tax liability computed after considering tax allowances and exemptions.

9.2 Deferred Tax - Deferred tax is recognized on timing differences between the accounting income and taxable income for the year and quantified using the tax rates and laws enacted or substantively enacted as on the Balance Sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognized and carry forward to the extent that there is a reasonable or virtual certainty, as may be applicable, that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax asset can be realized.

10) Earnings Per Share:

Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit after tax by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing the profit After tax by the weighted average number of equity shares considered for deriving basic earnings per share and also the weighted average number of equity shares that could have been issued upon conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares.

11) Cash and Cash Equivalents:

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and cash on deposit with banks and corporations.

12) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets:

12.1 A provision is recognized when the company has present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. Provisions are not discounted to their present value and are determined based on best estimates required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date.

13) Leases

13.1 Finance Lease

The Company has not entered in to finance lease arrangements.

13.2 Operating lease

Operating leases are mainly in the nature of lease of office premises with no restrictions and are renewable by mutual consent. There are no restrictions imposed by lease arrangements. Lease rental payments made by the Company are recognized in the statement profit and loss account in restated financials under the head 'Other Expenses'

14) Borrowing Costs:

Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of such assets. A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use. All other borrowing costs are recognized as expense in the period in which they are incurred.

15) Miscellaneous Expenditure:

The management of the company has decided that Miscellaneous Expenditure pertaining to IPO expenses have been written off over the period of five years from current financial year.

Mar 31, 2014

1.1 Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements:

The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost basis of accounting and evaluated on a going –concern basis, with revenue and expenses accounted for on their accrual to comply in all material aspect with the applicable accounting principles and applicable Accounting Standards notified U/s.211 (3C) of the Companies Act, 1956.

2.2 Use of Estimates:

The preparation of financial statements requires the management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities as at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Management believes that these estimates and assumptions are reasonable and prudent. However, actual results could differ from estimates. Differences between the actual results and the estimates are recognized in the period in which the same are known/materialized.

3) Revenue recognition:

3.1 Sales and Services

Revenue from sale of goods and services is recognized when the significant risks and rewards in respect of ownership are transferred by the Company inclusive of excise duty net of VAT/Sales Tax/Service Tax.

3.2 Other Income

Other income is recognized on accrual basis except when realization of such income is uncertain.

4) Fixed Assets:

4.1 Fixed Assets are stated at cost, net of CENVAT/VAT credit, if any, after reducing accumulated depreciation until the date of the Balance Sheet. Direct cost are capitalized until the asset are ready for use and include financial cost relating to any borrowing attributable to acquisition of the fixed assets.

4.2 Capital work in progress includes the cost of fixed assets that are not yet ready for the intended use and the cost of assets not put to use before the Balance Sheet Date.

5) Depreciation :

Depreciation is provided on Straight Line Method at the rates and in the manners prescribed in Schedules XIV to the Companies Act, 1956, on the basis of shifts/ manners of utilization of the assets. Depreciation on additions during the year has been provided on pro-rata basis with reference to the number of days utilized.

6) Impairment of assets:

An impaired loss is charged to the statement of profit and loss in the year in which an asset is identified as impaired. The impairment loss recognized in prior accounting period is reversed if there has been a change in the estimate of recoverable amount.

7) Foreign Currency Transactions :

Transactions in foreign currencies are recognized at the prevailing exchange rates on the transaction dates. Realize gain and losses on settlement of foreign currency transactions are recognized ih the profit and loss account under the natural revenue head of accounts. Exchange differences relating to fixed assets are capitalized to respective Fixed Asset.

8) Inventories:

Stock of Raw Matrial and WIP is valued at cost, Finished goods are valued at cost or market value whichever is less. Costof raw Matrial and finish goods includes the purchase cost (net of any taxes on which credits are received or receivable) and other incidental cost, to bring such material to its present location and condition. The Company follows First in Frist out (FIFO) method for valuation of inventory.

9) Employee benefits:

9.1 Defined-Contribution plans:

Provident fund and pension scheme Defined Contribution Plans in the Company. The Company is a member of recognized Provident Found scheme scheme established under The Provident Found & Miscellaneous Act, 1952 by the Government of India. The Compny is contributing 12% of Basic Salary of eligible employees under the scheme every month. The contribution paid or payable under the scheme is recognized during the period under which the employee renders the related services.

9.2 Defined-Benefit Plans:

Gratuity Fund scheme is the Defined Benefit Plan. Provision for gratuity has been made in the accounts, in case of those employees who are eligible for the retirement benefits. Gratuity is paid at the time of retirement of employees. Provision for gratuity liability is provided based on Actuarial Valuation made.

Short term Employee Benefits like leave benefit, in any, are paid along with salary wages on a month to month basis, bonus to employees are charged to profit and loss account on the basis of actual payment on year to year basis.

a) Post-employment benefits

i) Defined Contribution plan

The Company''s contribution to defined contribution plan paid/payable for the year is charged to Statement of Profit and Loss.

ii) Defined Benefit plan

Company''s liabilities towards defined benefit schemes are determined using the Projected Unit Credit Method. Actuarial valuations under the Projected Unit Credit Method are carried out at the balance sheet date. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss in the period of occurrence of such gains and losses. Past service cost is recognized immediately to the extent that the benefits are already vested and otherwise it is amortized on straight-line basis over the remaining average period until the benefits become vested.

The retirement benefit obligation recognized in the balance sheet represents the present value of the defined benefit obligation as reduced by fair value of plan assets.

b. Short-term employee benefits

Short-term employee benefits expected to be paid in exchange for the services rendered by employees are recognized undiscounted during the period employee renders services. These benefits include salary, wages, bonus and performance incentives etc.

c. Long term employee benefits

Compensated absences which are not expected to occur within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employee renders the related services are recognized as an actuarially determined liability at present value of the defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet date.

10) Taxes on Income:

10.1 Current Tax - Provision for current tax / minimum alternate tax (MAT) is made based on tax liability computed after considering tax allowances and exemptions.

10.2 Deferred Tax - Deferred tax is recognised on timing differences between the accounting income and taxable income for the year and quantified using the ax rates and laws enacted or substantively enacted as on the Balance Sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognized and carry forward to the extent that ther is a reasonable or virtual certainty, as may be applicable, that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax asset can be realized.

11) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets:

11.1 A provision is recognized when the company has present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. Provisions are not discounted to their present value and are determined based on best estimates required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date.

11.2 Contingent Liabilities (to the extent not provided for)

a) A civil case filed against the company as matter of civil suit relates to land dispute pertaining to survey no 42/16/A paiki – 1, while company''s land belongs to survey no 42/16/A paiki-2. The amount is not ascertainable.

b) A recovery suit was filed by the Central Bank of India against Whiteway Products (Pharma) Limited defaulter to the Central Bank of India and to the previous owner of land where our factory is situated. The bank has issued a "NO DUE CERTIFICATE" dated 1st October, 2013. As the matter is with Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) the final order from DRT is awaited. The amount is not ascertainable.

12) Leases

12.1 Finance Lease

The Company has not entered in to finance lease arrangements.

12.2 Operating lease

Operating leases are mainly in the nature of lease of office premises with no restrictions and are renewable by mutual consent. There are no restrictions imposed by lease arrangements. Lease rental payments made by the Company are recognized in the statement profit and loss account in restated financials under the head ''Other Expenses''

13) Borrowing Costs:

Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of such assets. A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use. All other borrowing costs are recognized as expense in the period in which they are incurred.

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