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Accounting Policies of Country Condo's Ltd. Company

Mar 31, 2018

Notes and other explanatory information to financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2018

1. General Information

The company''s main activity broadly consists of Real estate operations and providing hospitality services. The company''s real estate operations consist of procurement of land banks across the country, develop them into residential layouts with all amenities including club house and sell them in plots to customers. The company also undertakes allied activities of construction of compound walls etc. in the developed layouts. The company is also planning to undertake construction and sale of Condos. The company also runs a club on Mysore Road in Bangalore and offers various hospitality services to the customers.

2. Basis of preparation of financial statements

2.1. Statement of Compliance

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) as per the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules 2015 notified under Section 133 of Companies Act 2013 (the ''Act'') and other relevant provisions of the Act.

The Company''s financial statements up to and for the year ended March 31, 2016 were prepared in accordance with the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2006, notified under Section 133 of Companies Act 2013 (the ''Act'') and other relevant provisions of the Act.

As these are the first financial statements prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), Ind AS 101, First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards has been applied.

2.2. Basis of measurement

These financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost convention and on an accrual basis, except for the following material items in the statement of financial position:

- certain financial assets and liabilities are measured at fair value;

- employee defined benefit assets/(liability) are recognized as the net total of the fair value of plan assets, plus actuarial losses, less actuarial gains and the present value of the defined benefit obligation;

- long term borrowings are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method.

2.3. Functional currency

The financial statements are presented in Indian rupees, which is the functional currency of the Company. Functional currency of an entity is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates.

All amounts are in Indian Rupees except share data, unless otherwise stated.

2.4. Operating cycle

All the assets and liabilities have been classified as current or non-current as per the Company''s normal operating cycle and other criteria set out in the Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013.


An asset is classified as current when it satisfies any of the following criteria:

a) it is expected to be realized in, or is intended for sale or consumption in, the Company''s normal operating cycle;

b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;

c) it is expected to be realized within twelve months after the reporting date; or

d) it is cash or cash equivalent unless it is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least twelve months after the reporting date.


A liability is classified as current when it satisfies any of the following criteria:

a) it is expected to be settled in the Company''s normal operating cycle;

b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;

c) it is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting date; or

d) the Company does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least twelve months after the reporting date. Terms of a liability that could, at the option of the counterparty, result in its settlement by the issue of equity instruments do not affect its classification.

Current assets/ liabilities include the current portion of non-current assets/ liabilities respectively. All other assets/ liabilities are classified as non-current.

2.5. Critical accounting judgments and key sources of estimation uncertainty operating cycle

In the application of the Company''s accounting policies, which are described in note 3, the management of the Company are required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.

The following are the areas of estimation uncertainty and critical judgments that the management has made in the process of applying the Company''s accounting policies and that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the financial statements:

Provision and contingent liability

On an ongoing basis, Company reviews pending cases, claims by third parties and other contingencies. For contingent losses that are considered probable, an estimated loss is recorded as an accrual in financial statements. Loss Contingencies that are considered possible are not provided for but disclosed as Contingent liabilities in the financial statements. Contingencies the likelihood of which is remote are not disclosed in the financial statements. Gain contingencies are not recognized until the contingency has been resolved and amounts are received or receivable.

Useful lives of depreciable assets

Management reviews the useful lives of depreciable assets at each reporting. As at March 31, 2018 management assessed that the useful lives represent the expected utility of the assets to the Company. Further, there is no significant change in the useful lives as compared to previous year.

3. Significant accounting policies

3.1. Revenue recognition

Revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company and the amount can be reliably measured.

- Revenue is measured at the fair value of consideration received or receivable taking into account the amount of discounts, volume rebates and VAT/ GST are recognized when all significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods sold are transferred.

- Revenue from the sale of goods includes excise duty.

- Dividend income is accounted for when the right to receive the income is established.

- Revenue from Sale of plots is recognized when registrations of individual plots are completed. Completed service contact method is a method of accounting which recognizes revenue in the statement of profit and loss only when the rendering of services under a contract is completed or substantially completed.

Proportionate completion method is a method of accounting which recognizes revenue in the statement of profit and loss proportionately with degree of completion of services under a contract.

3.2. Borrowing costs

Specific borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are capitalized as part of the cost of such asset till such time the asset is ready for its intended use and borrowing costs are being incurred. A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use. All other borrowing costs are recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.

Borrowing cost includes interest expense, amortization of discounts, ancillary costs incurred in connection with borrowing of funds and exchange difference arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent they are regarded as an adjustment to the Interest cost.

3.3. Taxation

Income Tax expense consists of Current and Deferred Tax. Income Tax expense is recognized in the Income Statement except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in Equity, in which case it is recognized in Equity.

Current tax:

Current Tax is the expected tax payable on the Taxable Income for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.

Deferred tax:

Deferred Tax is recognized using the Balance Sheet method, providing for temporary differences between the carrying amounts of Assets and Liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. Deferred Tax is not recognized for the following temporary differences: the initial recognition of Assets or Liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and that affects neither accounting nor taxable profit; differences relating to investments in subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities to the extent that it is probable that they will not reverse in the foreseeable future; and taxable temporary differences arising upon the initial recognition of goodwill. Deferred Tax is measured at the tax rates that are expected to be applied to the temporary differences when they reverse, based on the laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date. Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities are offset if there is a legally enforceable right to offset Current Tax Liabilities and Assets, and they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on the same taxable entity, or on different tax entities, but they intend to settle current tax Liabilities and Assets on a net basis or their Tax Assets and Liabilities will be realized simultaneously.

A Deferred Tax Asset is recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the temporary difference can be utilized. Deferred Tax Assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realized.

3.4. Earnings per share

The Company presents basic and diluted earnings per share ("EPS") data for its ordinary shares. The basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit attributable to equity shareholders for the period by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year.

Diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit attributable to equity shareholders for the year relating to the dilutive potential equity shares, by the weighted average number of equity shares considered for deriving basic earnings per share and the weighted average number of equity shares which could have been issued on the conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares. Potential equity shares are deemed to be dilutive only if their conversion to equity shares would decrease the net profit per share.

3.5. Property, plant and equipment

The initial cost of PPE comprises its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes, and any directly attributable costs of bringing an asset to working condition and location for its intended use, including relevant borrowing costs and any expected costs of decommissioning, less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any. Expenditure incurred after the PPE have been put into operation, such as repairs and maintenance, are charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss in the period in which the costs are incurred.

If significant parts of an item of PPE have different useful lives, then they are accounted for as separate items (major components) of PPE.

Material items such as spare parts, stand-by equipment and service equipment are classified as PPE when they meet the definition of PPE as specified in Ind AS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment.

3.6. Depreciation

Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of PPE over its useful life and is provided on a straight-line basis over the useful lives as prescribed in Schedule II to the Act or as per technical assessment.

Depreciable amount for PPE is the cost of PPE less its estimated residual value. The useful life of PPE is the period over which PPE is expected to be available for use by the Company, or the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the asset by the Company.

The Company has componentized its PPE and has separately assessed the life of major components. In case of certain classes of PPE, the Company uses different useful lives than those prescribed in Schedule II to the Act. The useful lives have been assessed based on technical advice, taking into account the nature of the PPE and the estimated usage of the asset on the basis of management''s best estimation of obtaining economic benefits from those classes of assets.

Depreciation on additions is provided on a pro-rata basis from the month of installation or acquisition and in case of Projects from the date of commencement of commercial production. Depreciation on deductions/disposals is provided on a pro-rata basis up to the date of deduction/disposal.

3.7. Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents in the Balance Sheet comprise cash at bank and in hand and short-term deposits with banks that are readily convertible into cash which are subject to insignificant risk of changes in value and are held for the purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments.

3.8. Cash flow statement

Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby net profit before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payments. The cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities of the Company are segregated. Bank overdrafts are classified as part of cash and cash equivalent, as they form an integral part of an entity''s cash management.

3.9. Provisions

A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation that can be estimated reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation. If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability. Where discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as a finance cost.

3.10. Contingent liabilities & contingent assets

A disclosure for a contingent liability is made when there is a possible obligation or a present obligation that may, but probably will not, require an outflow of resources. Where there is a possible obligation or a present obligation in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of resources is remote, no provision or disclosure is made.

Mar 31, 2015


The company's main activity broadly consists of real estate operations and providing hospitality services. The company's real estate operations consist of procurement of land banks across the country, develop them into residential layouts with all amenities including club house and sell them in plots to customers. The company also undertakes allied activities of construction of compound walls etc. in the developed layouts. The company is also planning to undertake construction and sale of Condos. The company also runs a club on Mysore Road in Bangalore and offers various hospitality services to the customers.


The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India (Indian GAAP) to comply with the Accounting Standards specified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the 2013 Act"). The financial statements have been prepared on accrual basis under the historical cost convention. The accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Company and are consistent with those used in the previous year.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP) require the management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of Assets and Liabilities and disclosure of Contingent Liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the result of operations during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based upon management's best knowledge of current events and actions, actual results could differ from these estimates. Significant estimates used by the management in the preparation of these financial statements include estimates of the economic useful life of Fixed Assets and provisions for bad and doubtful debts. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively.


The Financial Statements have been prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with historical cost convention. The Company follows mercantile system of accounting and recognizes income and expenditure on accrual basis.

a) "Revenue is the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an enterprise from the rendering of services, and from the use by others of enterprise resources yielding interest, royalties and dividends. Revenue is measured by the charges made to customers or clients for services rendered to them and by the charges and rewards arising from the use of resources by them. In an agency relationship, the revenue is the amount of commission and not the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration.

b) Completed service contact method is a method of accounting which recognizes revenue in the statement of profit and loss only when the rendering of services under a contract is completed or substantially completed.

c) Revenue from real estate development projects and plots under development is recognized in the financial year in which the Sale deed/gift deed is executed in the names of members or their nominees on the percentage of completion method which is applied on a cumulative basis in each accounting year when the stage of completion of each project gets completed or substantially completed.


Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby profit / (loss) before extraordinary items and tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payments. The cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities of the Company are segregated based on the available information.


Cash comprises cash on hand and demand deposits with banks. Cash equivalents are short-term balances (with an original maturity of three months or less from the date of acquisition).


Employee benefits include provident fund, superannuation fund, and gratuity fund and compensated absences. Liability for gratuity to employees determined on the basis of actuarial valuation as on balance sheet date is funded with the Life Insurance Corporation of India and is recognized as an expense in the year incurred.


Tangible Fixed Assets

Tangible fixed assets are carried at the cost of acquisition or construction, less accumulated depreciation. The cost of fixed assets includes taxes (other than those subsequently recoverable from tax authorities), duties, freight and other directly attributable costs related to the acquisition or construction of the respective assets. Expenses directly attributable to new manufacturing facility during its construction period are capitalized.

Intangible Assets

Intangible assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. Following initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment loss, if any. Profit or Loss on disposal of intangible assets is recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss.


Depreciation on fixed assets is computed on the straight line method and as per useful lives prescribed under Part C of Schedule II of the Companies Act, 2013.


Construction materials, raw materials, Consumables, Stores and Spares and project / construction work-in-progress are valued at lower of cost and net realizable value.

Cost is determined on weighted average cost method.

Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less estimated costs of completion and estimated costs necessary to make the sale.

Development Work-in-progress related to project works is valued at cost and estimated net realizable value whichever is lower, till such time the outcome of the related project is ascertained reliably and at contractual rates thereafter. Cost includes cost of land, cost of materials, cost of borrowings to the extent it relates to specific project and other related project overheads.


Income tax comprises current and deferred taxes.

Current tax is the amount of tax payable on the taxable income for the year as determined in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Current tax is net of credit for entitlement for Minimum Alternative tax.

Deferred tax is recognized, on timing differences, being the difference between taxable incomes and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured based on the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when asset is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date.


A provision is recognized when an enterprise has a present obligation as a result of past event and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. Provisions are not discounted to its present value and are determined based on best estimate required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date. These are reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimates. Contingent liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. A Contingent asset is neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements.


Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit/ (loss) after tax for the year attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year.

For the purpose of calculating basic and diluted earnings per share, the net profit/ (loss) for the year attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year will be adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential equity shares. Potential equity shares are deemed to be dilutive only if their conversion to equity shares would decrease the net profit per share from continuing ordinary operations.


The Company as required by AS-18 furnishes the details of Related Party Disclosures.


The company's operating businesses are organized and managed separately according to the nature of products and services provided, with each segment representing a strategic business unit that offers different products and serves different markets. The analysis of geographical segment is based on the areas in which major operating divisions of the company operate.

Mar 31, 2014

About the Company:

The company''s main activity broadly consist of real estate operations and providing hospitality services. The company''s real estate operations consist of procurement of land banks across the country, develop them into residential layouts with all amenities including club house and sell them in plots to customers. The company also undertakes allied activities of construction of compound walls etc. in the developed layouts. The company is also planning to undertake construction and sale of Condos. The company also runs a club on Mysore Road in Bangalore and offers various hospitality services to the customers.


The financial statements have been prepared to comply in all material respects with the accounting standards notified by Companies Accounting Standards Rules, 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (''the Act''). The financial statements have been prepared under historical cost convention on an accrual basis in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in India. The accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Company and are consistent with those used in the previous year.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP) require the management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of Assets and Liabilities and disclosure of Contingent Liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the result of operations during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based upon management''s best knowledge of current events and actions, actual results could differ from these estimates. Significant estimates used by the management in the preparation of these financial statements include estimates of the economic useful life of Fixed Assets and provisions for bad and doubtful debts. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively.

(a) Accounting Convention and Revenue Recognition - AS 9:

The Financial Statements have been prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with historical cost convention. The Company follows mercantile system of accounting and recognizes income and expenditure on accrual basis.

a) "Revenue is the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an enterprise from the sale of goods, from the rendering of services, and from the use by others of enterprise resources yielding interest, royalties and dividends. Revenue is measured by the charges made to customers or clients for goods supplied and services rendered to them and by the charges and rewards arising from the use of resources by them. In an agency relationship, the revenue is the amount of commission and not the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration.

b) Completed service contact method is a method of accounting which recognizes revenue in the statement of profit and loss only when the rendering of services under a contract is completed or substantially completed.

c) Proportionate completion method is a method of accounting which recognizes revenue in the statement of profit and loss proportionately with degree of completion of services under a contract.

(b) Cash Flow Statement: AS-3:

Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby profit / (loss) before extraordinary items and tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payments. The cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities of the Company are segregated based on the available information.

(c) Employee Benefits:

Employee benefits include provident fund, superannuation fund, gratuity fund and compensated absences. Liability for gratuity to employees determined on the basis of actuarial valuation as on balance sheet date is funded with the Life Insurance Corporation of India and is recognized as an expense in the year incurred.

(d) Tangible and Intangible Assets:

Tangible Fixed Assets:

Tangible fixed assets are carried at the cost of acquisition or construction, less accumulated depreciation. The cost of fixed assets includes taxes (other than those subsequently recoverable from tax authorities), duties, freight and other directly attributable costs related to the acquisition or construction of the respective assets. Expenses directly attributable to new manufacturing facility during its construction period are capitalized.

Intangible Assets:

Intangible assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. Following initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment loss, if any. Profit or Loss on disposal of intangible assets is recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss.

(e) Depreciation:

Depreciation on all fixed assets is provided under Straight Line Method. The rates of depreciation prescribed in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956 are considered as the minimum rates.

(f) Inventories:

Construction materials, raw materials, Consumables, Stores and Spares and project / construction work-in-progress are valued at lower of cost and net realizable value.

Cost is determined on weighted average cost method.

Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less estimated costs of completion and estimated costs necessary to make the sale.

Development Work-in-progress related to project works is valued at cost and estimated net realizable value whichever is lower, till such time the outcome of the related project is ascertained reliably and at contractual rates thereafter. Cost includes cost of land, cost of materials, cost of borrowings to the extent it relates to specific project and other related project overheads.

(g) Taxes on Income:

a) Provision for tax for the year comprises current Income Tax and Deferred Tax and is provided as per the Income Tax Act, 1961.

b) The provision made for income tax in the accounts comprises both the current and deferred tax. Current tax is provided for on the taxable income for the year. The deferred tax assets and liabilities for the year arising on account of timing differences (net) are recognized in the Profit and Loss account and the cumulative effect thereof is reflected in the Balance Sheet.

(h) Provisions:

Provisions are recognized for liabilities that can be measured only by using a substantial degree of estimation, if a) The Company has a present obligation as a result of a past event;

(i) Earnings per Share:

The earnings considered in ascertaining the Earning per Share comprise of Net Profit after Tax. The number of shares used in computing Basic Earnings per Share is the Weighted Average number of shares outstanding during the year, as per AS-20.

(j) Related Party Disclosures :

The Company as required by AS-18 furnishes the details of Related Party Disclosures

Mar 31, 2012

(a) Accounting Convention and Revenue Recognition - AS 9:

The Financial Statements have been prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with historical cost convention. The Company follows mercantile system of accounting and recognizes income and expenditure on accrual basis.

a) "Revenue is the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an enterprise from the sale of goods, from the rendering of services, and from the use by others of enterprise resources yielding interest, royalties and dividends. Revenue is measured by the charges made to customers or clients for goods supplied and services rendered to them and by the charges and rewards arising from the use of resources by them. In an agency relationship, the revenue is the amount of commission and not the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration.

b) Completed service contact method is a method of accounting which recognizes revenue in the statement of profit and loss only when the rendering of services under a contract is completed or substantially completed.

c) Proportionate completion method is a method of accounting which recognizes revenue in the statement of profit and loss proportionately with degree of completion of services under a contract.

(b) Cash Flow Statement: AS-3

The Company has prepared Cash Flow Statement as per the AS-3.

(c) Retirements Benefits:

Company makes monthly contribution to the Employees Provident Fund and Pension Fund under the provisions of Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.

(d) Fixed Assets:

Fixed Assets are stated at cost of acquisition and subsequent improvements thereto, inclusive of taxes, freight and other incidental expenses related to acquisition, improvements and installation.

(e) Depreciation:

Depreciation on Fixed Assets is provided on straight-line method as per the rates specified in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956. This is in accordance with the AS-6 and there is no change in the method of Depreciation during the year.

(f) Inventories:

Inventories are valued at Cost or Net Realizable value whichever is lower.

(g) Taxes on Income:

a) Provision for tax for the year comprises current Income Tax and Deferred Tax and is provided as per the Income Tax Act, 1961.

b) The provision made for income tax in the accounts comprises both the current and deferred tax. Current tax is provided for on the taxable income for the year. The deferred tax assets and liabilities for the year arising on account of timing differences (net) are recognized in the Profit and Loss account and the cumulative effect thereof is reflected in the Balance Sheet.

(h) Provisions:

Provisions are recognized for liabilities that can be measured only by using a substantial degree of estimation, if

a) The Company has a present obligation as a result of a past event;

(i) Earnings per Share:

The earnings considered in ascertaining the Earning per Share comprise of Net Profit after Tax. The number of shares used in computing Basic Earnings per Share is the Weighted Average number of shares outstanding during the year, as per AS-20.

(j) Related Party Disclosures :

The Company as required by AS-18 furnishes the details of Related Party Disclosures

Mar 31, 2011


The financial statements have been prepared to comply in all material respects with the accounting standards notified by Companies Accounting Standards Rules, 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 ('the Act'). The financial statements nave been prepared under historical cost convention on an accrual basis in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in India. The accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Company and are consistent with those used in the previous year.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles require the management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of Assets and Liabilities and disclosure of Contingent Liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the result of operations during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based upon management's best knowledge of current events and actions, actual results could differ from these estimates. Significant estimates used by the management in the preparation of these financial statements include estimates of the economic useful life of Fixed Assets and provisions for bad and doubtful debts. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively.

(a) Accounting Convention and Revenue Recognition - AS 9:

The Financial Statements have been prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with historical cost convention. The Company follows mercantile system of accounting and recognizes income and expenditure on accrual basis.

a) "Revenue is the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an enterprise from the sale of goods, from the rendering of services, and from the use by others of enterprise resources yielding interest, royalties and dividends. Revenue is measured by the charges made to customers or clients for goods supplied and services rendered to them and by the charges and rewards arising from the use of resources by them. In an agency relationship, the revenue is the amount of commission and not the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration.

b) Completed service contact method is a method accounting which recognizes revenue in the statement of profit and loss only when the rendering of services under a contract is completed or substantially completed.

c) Proportionate completion method is a method of accounting which recognizes revenue in the statement of profit and loss proportionately with degree of completion of services under a contract.

(b) Cash Flow Statement: AS-3

The Company has prepared Cash Flow Statement as per the AS-3.

(c) Retirements Benefits:

Company makes monthly contribution to the Employees Provident Fund and Pension Fund under the provisions of Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.

(d) Fixed Assets:

Fixed Assets are stated at cost of acquisition and subsequent improvements thereto, inclusive of taxes, freight and other incidental expenses related to acquisition, improvements and installation.

(e) Depreciation:

Depreciation on Fixed Assets is provided on straight-line method as per the rates specified in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956. This is in accordance with the AS-6 and there is no change in the method of Depreciation during the year.

(f) Inventories:

Inventories are valued at Cost or Market price whichever is lower.

(g) Taxes on Income:

a) Provision for tax for the year comprises current Income Tax and Deferred Tax and is provided as per the Income Tax Act, 1961.

b) The provision made for income tax in the accounts comprises both the current and deferred tax. Current tax is provided for on the taxable income for the year. The deferred tax assets and liabilities for the year arising on account of timing differences (net) are recognized in the Profit and Loss account and the cumulative effect thereof is reflected in the Balance Sheet.

(h) Provisions:

Provisions are recognized for liabilities that can be measured only by using a substantial degree of estimation, if

a) The Company has a present obligation as a result of a past event;

(i) Earnings per Share:

The earnings considered in ascertaining the Earning per Share comprise of Net Profit after Tax. The number of shares used in computing Basic Earnings per Share is the Weighted Average number of shares outstanding during the year, as per AS-20.

(j) Related Party Disclosures :

The Company as required by AS-18 furnishes the details of Related Party Disclosures in Schedule 10.

Mar 31, 2010

A) Preparation of financial statements

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India and the provisions of Companies Act, 1956.

b) Method of Accounting

The Company follows mercantile system of accounting and recognizes income and expenditure on accrual basis.

c) Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets are stated at their original cost of acquisition, net of accumulated depreciation and CENVAT credit, and include taxes, freight and other incidental expenses related to their acquisition / construction / installation.

d) Inventories

Inventories are valued at Cost or Market price whichever is lower.

e) Revenue Recognition

In respect of income from services, income is recognized as and when the rendering of services is complete. Revenue from time period services is recognized on the basis of time incurred in providing such services.

f) Retirement Benefits

Company makes monthly contribution to the Employees Provident Fund and Pension Fund under the provisions of Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.

g) Depreciation

Depreciation is provided on straight-line method at the rates specified in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956. Depreciation on assets added, sold or discarded is provided for on pro-rata basis.

h) Income and Deferred Tax

The provision made for income tax in the accounts comprises both the current and deferred tax. Current tax is provided for on the taxable income for the year. The deferred tax assets and liabilities for the year arising on account of timing differences (net) are recognized in the Profit and Loss account and the cumulative effect thereof is reflected in the Balance Sheet.

i) EPS

The earning considered in ascertaining the company’s earning per share comprises net profit after tax. The number of shares used in computing basic earning per share is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year.

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