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Notes to Accounts of Panasonic Carbon India Co. Ltd.

Mar 31, 2018

1 Reporting entity

Panasonic Carbon India Co. Ltd (the ''Company'') is a company domiciled in India, with its registered office situated at Pottipati Plaza, 3rd floor, 77, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600034. The Company has been incorporated under the provisions of Indian Companies Act, 2013 and its equity shares are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The Company is primarily involved in manufacturing carbon rods.

2 Basis of preparation

2.1 Statement of compliance

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) as per the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 notified under Section 133 of Companies Act, 2013, (the ''Act'') and other relevant provisions of the Act.

The Company''s financial statements up to and for the year ended 31 March 2017 were prepared in accordance with the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, notified under Section 133 of the Act and other relevant provisions of the Act ("previous GAAP").

As this is the Company''s first financial statements prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), Ind AS 101, First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards has been applied. An explanation of how the transition to Ind AS has affected the previously reported financial position, financial performance and cash flows of the Company is provided in Note 36.

The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Company''s Board of Directors on 16 May, 2018.

Details of the Company''s accounting policies are included in Note 3.

2.2 Functional and presentation currency

These financial statements are presented in Indian Rupees (INR), which is also the Company''s functional currency. All amounts have been rounded-off to the nearest thousands, unless otherwise stated.

2.3 Basis of measurement

The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except for the following items:

Items Measurement basis

Net defined benefit (asset)/ liability Fair value of plan assets less present

value of defined benefit obligations Investments Fair value

2.4 Use of estimates and judgements

In preparing these financial statements, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised prospectively

Assumptions and estimation uncertainties

Information about assumptions and estimation uncertainties that have a significant risk of resulting in a material adjustment is included in the following notes :Note 3.3 - estimated useful life of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets .Note 3.7 and Note 34 - recognition and measurement of provisions and contingencies; key assumptions about the likelihood and magnitude of an outflow of resources. Note 31D - recognition of deferred tax assets: availability of future taxable profit against which deferred tax assets will be recovered in future periods.Notes 17, 32 - measurement of defined benefit obligations: key actuarial assumptions

2.5 Measurement of fair values

A few of the Company''s accounting policies and disclosures require the measurement of fair values, for both financial and non-financial assets and liabilities.

The Company has an established control framework with respect to the measurement of fair values. This includes a valuation team that has overall responsibility for overseeing all significant fair value measurements, including Level 1 fair values, and reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer.

The valuation team regularly reviews significant unobservable inputs and valuation adjustments. If third party information, such as broker quotes or pricing services, is used to measure fair values, then the valuation team assesses the evidence obtained from the third parties to support the conclusion that these valuations meet the requirements of Ind AS, including the level in the fair value hierarchy in which the valuations should be classified.

Significant valuation issues are reported to the Company''s audit committee.

Fair values are categorised into different levels in a fair value hierarchy based on the inputs used in the valuation techniques as follows.

- Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

- Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices).

- Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

When measuring the fair value of an asset or a liability, the Company uses observable market data as far as possible. If the inputs used to measure the fair value of an asset or a liability fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy, then the fair value measurement is categorised in its entirety in the same level of the fair value hierarchy as the lowest level input that is significant to the entire measurement.

The Company recognises transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy at the end of the reporting period during which the change has occurred.

Further information about the assumptions made in measuring fair values is included in the following notes: - Note 33 - financial instruments;

3. Rights, preferences and restrictions attached to equity shares

The company has a single class of equity shares. Accordingly, all equity shares rank equally with regard to dividends and share in the company''s residual assets on winding up. The equity shareholders are entitled to receive dividend as declared from time to time. The voting rights of an equity shareholder on a poll (not on show of hands) are in proportion to his/its share of the paid-up equity share capital of the company. Voting rights cannot be exercised in respect of shares on which any call or other sums presently payable has not been paid.Failure to pay any amount called up on shares may lead to their forfeiture. On winding up of the company, the holders of equity shares will be entitled to receive the residual assets of the company, remaining after distribution of all preferential amounts, in proportion to the number of equity shares held.

4. Capital management

The Company''s policy is to maintain a strong capital base so as to maintain investor, creditor and market confidence and to sustain future development of the business. It sets the amount of capital required on the basis of annual business and long-term operating plans which include capital and other strategic investments. The Company''s funding requirements are met entirely through equity and internal accretions. The management monitors the return on capital, as well as the level of dividends paid to the equity share holders. The consitituents of capital (Equity share capital and other equity) are listed out as a part of the "Statement of changes in equity".

Details of dues to micro and small enterprises as defined under the MSMED Act, 2006

As at 31 March 2018, the Company had no outstanding dues to Micro and Small enterprises (for 31 March 2017-INR Nil; 01 April 2016- INR Nil). The list of Micro and Small enterprises was determined by the Company on the basis of information available with the Company. The Company also had no outstanding dues that require to be furnished under Section 22 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Act, 2006.

The Company has a defined benefit gratuity plan in India, governed by the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. The plan entitles an employee, who has rendered at least five years of continuous service, to gratuity at the rate of fifteen days wages for every completed year of service or part thereof in excess of six months, based on the rate of wages last drawn by the employee concerned. The defined benefit plan for gratuity is administered by a single gratuity fund (Life Insurance Corporation of India) that is legally separate from the Company.

A. Funding

The Plan is fully funded by the Company. The funding requirements are based on the gratuity fund''s actuarial measurement framework set out in the funding policies of the plan. The funding of the plan is based on a separate actuarial valuation for funding purposes for which the assumptions have been set out in (E). Employees do not contribute to the plan.

B. Reconciliation of the net defined benefit (asset) liability

The following table shows a reconciliation from the opening balances to the closing balances for the net defined benefit (asset) liability and its components.

Note: The Company has not disclosed fair values of financial instruments such as trade receivables, loans, cash and cash equivalents, Bank balances other than cash and cash equivalents, other financial assets, trade payables and other financial liabilities, since their carrying amounts are reasonable approximates of fair values.

B. Financial risk management

The Company has exposure to the following risks arising from financial instruments:-

a. credit risk (see (B)(ii));

b. liquidity risk (see (B)(iii);

c. market risk (see (B)(iv)).

i. Risk management framework

The Company''s Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of the Company''s risk management framework. The board of directors have established the risk management committee, which is responsible for developing and monitoring the Company''s risk management policies. The committee reports regularly to the board of directors on its activities.

The Company''s risk management policies are established to identify and analyse the risks faced by the Company, to set appropriate risk limits and controls and to monitor risks and adherence to limits. Risk management policies and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the Company''s activities. The Company, through its training and management standards and procedures, aims to maintain a disciplined and constructive control environment in which all employees understand their roles and obligations.

The Company''s audit committee oversees how management monitors compliance with the Company''s risk management policies and procedures and reviews the adequacy of the risk management framework in relation to the risks faced by the Company. The audit committee is assisted in its oversight role by internal audit. Internal audit undertakes both regular and adhoc reviews of risk management controls and procedures, the results of which are reported to the audit committee.

ii. Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Company if a customer or counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual obligations, and arises principally from the Company''s receivables from customers. The carrying amounts of financial assets represent the maximum credit risk exposure.

Trade receivables

The Company has developed guidelines for the management of credit risk from trade receivables. The Company''s exposure to credit risk is influenced mainly by the individual characteristics of each customer. The demographics of the customer, country in which the customer operates, has an influence on credit risk assessment. Credit risks are managed by the Company through credit approvals, and continuously monitoring the credit worthiness of the customers to which the Company grants credit terms in the normal course of business. Exposures to customers outstanding at the end of each reporting period are reviewed by the Company to determine incurred and expected credit losses. Historical trends of impairment of trade receivables do not reflect any significant credit losses. Given that the macro economic indicators affecting customers of the Company have not undergone any substantial change, the Company expects the historical trend of nil credit losses to continue. Further, management believes that the unimpaired amounts that are past due by more than 30 days are still collectible in full, based on historical payment behaviour and extensive analysis of customer credit risk.Revenue from one customer of the Company is INR 116,375 (2016-17- INR 118,665) which is more than ten percent of the Company''s total revenue.

Cash and bank balances

The Company held cash and cash equivalents with credit worthy banks and financial institutions as at the reporting dates. The credit worthiness of such banks and financial institutions are evaluated by the management on an ongoing basis and is considered to be good with low credit risk.


This balance primarily constitute of rental deposits given to lessors and electricity deposit given to Electricity Board. The Company does not expect any losses from non-performance by these counter parties.

Other financial assets

Other financial assets also comprises fixed deposits, interest accrued on fixed deposits and export incentives receivable. These fixed deposits are held with credit worthy banks and financial institutions. The credit worthiness of such banks and financial institutions is evaluated by the management on an ongoing basis and is considered to be good with low credit risk. Export incentive receivable pertains to duty drawback and rebate income receivable from Customs authorities. The Company does not expect any losses from non-performance by these counter parties.

iii. Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in meeting the obligations associated with its financial liabilities that are settled by delivering cash or another financial asset. The Company''s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when they are due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the Company''s reputation.

The following are the remaining contractual maturities of financial liabilities at the reporting date. The amounts are gross and undiscounted, and include contractual interest payments and exclude the impact of netting agreements.

iv. Market risk

Market risk is the risk of loss of future earnings or fair values or future cash flows that may result from a change in the price of a financial instrument. The value of a financial instrument may change as a result of changes in the interest rates, foreign exchange rates and other market changes that affect market risk sensitive instruments. Market risk is attributable to all market risk sensitive financial instruments including foreign currency receivables and payables. The Company is exposed to market risk primarily related to the risk of foreign exchange receivables.

Currency risk

Foreign currency risk arise in USD and JPY and other foreign currency denominated transactions mainly from monetary receivables gives rise to exchange rate fluctuation risk.

Sensitivity analysis

A reasonably possible strengthening (weakening) of the INR against USD and JPY at 31 March would have affected the measurement of financial instruments denominated in a foreign currency and affected equity and profit or loss by the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant and ignores any impact of forecast sales and purchases.

* Amount attributable to post employment benefits and compensated absences have not been disclosed as the same cannot be identified distinctly in the actuarial valuation.

Compensation of the Company''s key managerial personnel includes salaries, non-cash benefits and contributions to post-employment defined benefit plan (See note 29)

5. Explanation of transition to Ind AS

As stated in Note 2.1, these are the Company''s first financial statements prepared in accordance with Ind AS. For the year ended 31 March 2017, the Company had prepared its financial statements in accordance with Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, notified under Section 133 of the Act and other relevant provisions of the Act (''previous GAAP'').

The accounting policies set out in Note 3 have been applied in preparing these financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2018 including the comparative information for the year ended 31 March 2017 and the opening Ind AS balance sheet on the date of transition i.e. 1 April 2016.

In preparing its Ind AS balance sheet as at 1 April 2016 and in presenting the comparative information for the year ended 31 March 2017, the Company has adjusted amounts reported previously in financial statements prepared in accordance with previous GAAP This note explains the principal adjustments made by the Company in restating its financial statements prepared in accordance with previous GAAP, and how the transition from previous GAAP to Ind AS has affected the Company''s financial position, financial performance and cash flows.

Optional exemptions availed and mandatory exceptions

In preparing these financial statements, the Company has applied the below mentioned optional exemptions and mandatory exceptions.

A Optional Exemptions Availed Property, plant and equipment

As per Ind AS 101 an entity may elect to use carrying values of property, plant and equipment as on the date of transition to Ind AS (which are measured in accordance with previous GAAP and after making adjustments relating to decommissioning liabilities prescribed under Ind AS 101) if there has been no change in its functional currency on the date of transition.

As permitted by Ind AS 101, the Company has elected to continue with the carrying values under previous GAAP for all the items of property, plant and equipment.

B Mandatory exceptions

1. Estimates

As per Ind AS 101, an entity''s estimates in accordance with Ind AS at the date of transition to Ind AS at the end of the comparative period presented in the entity''s first Ind AS financial statements, as the case may be, should be consistent with estimates made for the same date in accordance with the previous GAAP unless there is objective evidence that those estimates were in error.However, the estimates should be adjusted to reflect any differences in accounting policies.

As per Ind AS 101, where application of Ind AS requires an entity to make certain estimates that were not required under previous GAAP those estimates should be made to reflect conditions that existed at the date of transition (for preparing opening Ind AS balance sheet) or at the end of the comparative period (for presenting comparative information as per Ind AS).

The Company''s estimates under Ind AS are consistent with the above requirement. Key estimates considered in preparation of the financial statements that were not required under the previous GAAP are listed below:

Impairment of financial assets based on the expected credit loss model.

- Determination of the Fair value of Investments

- Determination of the discounted value for financial instruments carried at amortised cost.

2. Classification and measurement of financial assets

Ind AS 101 requires an entity to assess classification of financial assets on the basis of facts and circumstances existing as on the date of transition. Further, the standard permits measurement of financial assets accounted at amortised cost based on facts and circumstances existing at the date of transition if retrospective application is impracticable.

Accordingly, the Company has determined the classification of financial assets based on facts and circumstances that exist on the date of transition. Measurement of the financial assets accounted at amortised cost has been done retrospectively except where the same is impracticable.

A Excise duty

Under previous GAAP revenue from sale of goods was presented net of the excise duty on sales. Under Ind AS, revenue from sale of goods is presented inclusive of excise duty. Excise duty is presented in the Statement of profit and loss as an expense. This has resulted in an increase in the revenue from operations and expenses for the year ended 31 March 2017. The total comprehensive income for the year then ended and equity as at 31 March 2017 has remained unchanged.

B Remeasurement of defined benefit liability (asset)

Under the previous GAAP i.e. actuarial gains and losses and the return on plan assets, excluding amounts included in the net interest expense on the net defined benefit liability was forming part of the profit or loss for the year. However under Ind AS 19, it is recognised in other comprehensive income.

D Proposed dividend

Under previous GAAP upto the year ended 31 March 2016 dividends proposed by the board of directors after the reporting date but before the approval of financial statements were considered to be adjusting events and accordingly recognised (along with related dividend distribution tax) as liabilities at the reporting date. Under Ind AS, dividends so proposed by Board are considered to be non-adjusting event. Accordingly, provision for proposed dividend and dividend distribution tax recognised under the previous GAAP have been reversed.

E Capital reserve

Under the previous GAAP, the Company had recognised a subsidy received from the Government of Andhra Pradesh towards setting up of factory in specified area, amounting to INR 1,003.25 thousands, as capital reserve. Under IndAS 20, subsidy received from the Government, in a Company where there is no equity participation by the Government, is required to be accounted as deferred income and recognised on a systematic basis, in the statement of profit and loss, over the period in which the Company recognises as expenses, the related costs which the grant is intended to compensate. As the Company had already recognised the related costs associated with the grant in the statement of profit and loss before 31 March 2016, the capital reserve amounting to INR 1,003.25 as at 31 March 2016 has been transferred to retained earnings in the opening IndAS financial statements.

G Adjustments to statement of cash flows

There were no material differences between the statement of cash flows presented under Ind AS and the Previous GAAP.

6. Transfer Pricing

The Company has international/ domestic transactions with related parties. For the year ended 31 March 2017, the Company has obtained an Accountant''s report from a Chartered Accountant in respect of international/domestic transactions with related parties as required by the relevant provisions of the Income tax act, 1961 and the same has been filed with the tax authorities.

For the current year, the Company confirms that it has maintained documents as prescribed by the Income-tax Act, 1961 to prove that these international/domestic transactions are at arm''s length and the aforesaid legislation will not have any impact on the financial statements, particularly on the amount of tax expense and that of provision for taxation.

7. Research and development

Cost of research and development revenue expenditure aggregated to INR 2,682 K (31 March 2017 INR 2,179 K) which has been debited to various heads of account in the statement of profit and loss. There was no capital expenditure in relation to the same during the year as well as in the previous year.

8. Disclosure of specified bank notes (SBN)

During the previous year ended 31 March 2017, the Company had specified bank notes or other denomination note as defined in the MCA Notification G.S.R 308(E) dated 31 March 2017 on the details of specified bank notes (''SBN'') held and transacted during the period from 08 November 2016 to 30 December 2016. The denomination wise SBN and other notes as per the notification are given below:

For the purpose of this clause, the term, specified bank note shall have the same meaning provided in the notification of the Government of India, the Ministry of Finance - Department of Economic Affairs No. S.O.3407 (E), dated November 8, 2016.

9. Segment information

a. Operating segments

The Company has a single operating segment, namely, carbon rods and services and the information reported to the Managing Director (MD) for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of performance focusses on this operating segment

b. Geographical information

The geographical information analyses the Company''s revenue and non-current assets by the Company''s country of domicile (i.e., India) and other countries. In presenting the geographical information, segment revenue has been based on the geographical location of customers and segment assets which have been based on the geographical location of the assets.

c. Major customer

Revenue from one customer of the Company is INR 1,16,375 K (2016-17- INR 1,18,665 K) which is more than ten percent of the Company''s total revenue.

10 Standards issued but not yet effective

IndAS 115- Revenue from contract with customers

Ind AS 115, establishes a comprehensive framework for determining whether, how much and when revenue should be recognised. It replaces existing revenue recognition guidance, including Ind AS 18 Revenue, Ind AS 11 Construction Contracts and Guidance Note on Accounting for Real Estate Transactions. Ind AS 115 is effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 April 2018 and will be applied accordingly.The Company has completed an initial assessment of the potential impact of the adoption of Ind AS 115 on accounting policies followed in its financial statements, and expects that adjustments, if any on account of transition would be insignificant. The Company will adopt the standard on April 01, 2018 by using the cumulative catch-up transition method and accordingly the comparatives for the year ending or ended March 31, 2018 will not be retrospectively adjusted.

11. Exceptional item

In the previous year, the Company had sold one of its land which was originally held for the purpose of construction of staff quarters, at a profit of INR 13,669.33 K. As this transaction is not recurring in nature and since the profit derived therefrom is significant, the same has been considered as an exceptional item.

12. Events after the balance sheet date

The Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of INR 10/- per share amounting to INR 48,0,00,000 on Equity Shares of INR 10/- each for the year, subject to approval from Shareholders. Dividend distribution tax on the same amounts to INR 97,71,671.

Mar 31, 2017

Note : The Company have applied for refund of cenvat on account of exports which was rejected by the excise authorities and the company had appealed to higher authorities and the appeal is pending disposal. The company has an option anytime to take credit as cenvat receivable of the pending refunds and adjustable against the excise liability of the Company in future years.

1 Cost of Research and Development revenue expenditure aggregated to Rs. 21, 79,287 (Previous Year Rs. 21, 29,123) which has been debited to various heads of account in the Profit and Loss Account. There was no Research and Development Capital expenditure during the year as well as in the previous year.

2 Outstanding dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

There are no Micro and Small Enterprise to whom the Company owes dues, which are outstanding for more than forty five days as at 31st March, 2017. The identification of Micro and Small Enterprises and the information as required to be disclosed under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises development Act, 2006 has been determined on the basis of Vendor information available with the Company.

3 The company operates in only one segment (i.e) Midget Electrodes as a component of Dry Cell Batteries

4 Related Parties

Holding Company

Panasonic Corporation, Japan (PC)

Fellow Subsidiaries under Common Control

a) Panasonic Energy India Co. Ltd., Vadodara & Pithampur (PECIN)

Associates under Common Control

b) Panasonic Energy Tanzania Co. Ltd., Tanzania (PECTZ)

c) Panasonic Peruana S.A.,Peru (PANAPERU)

d) PT Panasonic Gobel Energy Indonesia,Indonesia (PECGI)

e) Panasonic Energy Poland S.A.Poland (PECPL)

f) Panasonic Centro Americana S.A., Costarica (PCA)

g) Panasonic Management Thailand Co. Ltd, Thailand (PMT)

h) Panasonic Do Brasil Limitada, Brazil (PANABRAS)

i) Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Shanghai (PECSH)

j) Panasonic India Pvt Ltd, India (PI)

k) Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte. Limited, Singapore (PA)


Key Management Personnel

Mr.R. Senthil Kumar, Managing Director

5 Total Outstanding Derivative Instruments as on 31st March, 2017

(i) Derivative instruments that is outstanding as on 31st March, 2017 is Rs. Nil. (Previous year Rs. Nil)

(ii) The Foreign Currency Exposures not hedged by a Derivative Instrument or otherwise as on 31st March, 2017 is Receivables of US$ 4,06,809/- Rs. 2,63,69,379/- (Previous Year US$ 3,64,501/- Rs. 2,40,07,499/-)

6 In the opinion of management, current assets, loans and advances are approximately of the value stated in the balance sheet if realized in the ordinary course of business.

7 Disclosure Requirement for holdings as well as dealings in Specified Bank Notes during the period from 8th November, 2016 to 30th December, 2016 as per MCA Notification G.S.R. 308(E) dated 30th March, 2017.

8 Previous year''s figures have been re-grouped and reclassified wherever necessary so as to make them comparable with the current year''s figures.

Mar 31, 2016

Export Incentive Benefits are accounted on the following basis:

(a) Duty Drawback entitlement is accounted on accrual basis.

(b) Focus Market Incentive Script / Duty Credit Scrip under Manufacturing Exporters Incentive Scheme (MEIS) is accounted on receipt of script.

1. The Board of Directors in their meeting on 25th May, 2016 proposed a final dividend of Rs. 10 /- per equity share. The proposal is subject to approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 29th July, 2016.

2. Cost of Research and Development revenue expenditure aggregated to Rs. 2,129,123 (Previous Year Rs. 1,725,860) which has been debited to various heads of account in the Profit and Loss Account. There was no Research and Development Capital expenditure during the year as well as in the previous year.

3. Outstanding dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

There are no Micro and Small Enterprise to whom the Company owes dues, which are outstanding for more than forty five days as at 31st March, 2016. The identification of Micro and Small Enterprises and the information as required to be disclosed under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises development Act, 2006 has been determined on the basis of Vendor information available with the Company.

4 Defined Benefit Plan

Defined benefit plan as per actuarial valuation as on 31st March, 2016 and recognized in the financial statements in respect of Employee Benefit Scheme: Disclosure under AS 15 (Revised) Employee Benefit Schemes

5 The company operates in only one segment (i.e) Midget Electrodes as a component of Dry Cell Batteries

6 Note: The Previous year''s figures are shown in the brackets

7 Material Transactions of sales (i) PECIN Rs. 7,88,16,048 (Rs. 8,04,99,839) (ii) PECTZ Rs. 2,55,19,737 (Rs. 2,84,58,010)

(iii) PECGI Rs. 3,60,41,115 (Rs. 97,85,337) (iv) PANAPERU Rs. 3,49,14,351 (Rs. 2,86,87,508) (v) PECPL Rs. 12,33,64,544 (Rs. 7,11,36,428) (vi) PANABRAS Rs.3,28,22,309 (Rs.1,72,34,233) (vii) PMT Rs.2,42,06,085 (Rs.2,40,53,684) (viii) PECSH Rs.1,36,95,560 (Rs.1,21,47,568) (ix) PCA Rs.71,84,488 (Rs.2,04,937) (x) Others Rs.Nil ('' Nil)

8 TThe Outstanding Derivative Instruments as on 31st March, 2016

(i) Derivative instruments that are outstanding as on 31st March, 2016 is Rs.Nil. (Previous year Rs.Nil)

(ii) The Foreign Currency Exposures not hedged by a Derivative Instrument or otherwise as on 31st March, 2016 is Receivables of US$ 3,64,501/- Rs.2,40,07,499/- (Previous Year US$ 4,62,325/- Rs.2,88,76,833/-)

9 In the opinion of management, current assets, loans and advances are approximately of the value stated in the balance sheet if realized in the ordinary course of business.

10. Previous year''s figures have been re-grouped and reclassified wherever necessary so as to make them comparable with the current year''s figures.

Mar 31, 2015

1. Contingent liabilities & Commitments

Amount in Rs.

Particulars 31st March, 31st March, 2015 2014 (to the extent not provided for)

(i) Contingent liabilities

Income Tax demands in dispute for which the company has preferred appeals to higher authorities and has been legally advised that demands are unsustainable. 14,932,076 14,932,076

(ii) Commitments

a Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for - -

b other commitments - -

2. Cost of Research and Development revenue expenditure aggregated to '17,25,860 (Previous Year ' 19,10,335 ) which has been debited to various heads of account in the Profit and Loss Account. There was no Research and Development Capital expenditure during the year as well as in the previous year.

3. Outstanding dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

There are no Micro and Small Enterprise to whom the Company owes dues, which are outstanding for more than forty five days as at 31st March, 2015. The identification of Micro and Small Enterprises and the information as required to be disclosed under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises development Act, 2006 has been deter- mined on the basis of Vendor information available with the Company.

4. Defined Benefit Plan

Defined benefit plan as per actuarial valuation as on 31st March, 2015 and recognised in the financial statements in respect of Employee Benefit Scheme: Disclosure under AS 15 (Revised) Employee Benefit Schemes

5 Related Party Disclosures:

(i) List of Related Parties:

Holding Company

Panasonic Corporation, Japan (PC)

Fellow Subsidiaries under Common Control

a) Panasonic Energy India Co. Ltd., Vadodara & Pithampur (PECIN)

b) Panasonic Energy Tanzania Co. Ltd., Tanzania (PECTZ)

c) Panasonic Peruana S.A.,Peru (PANAPERU)

e) P.T Panasonic Gobel Energy Indonesia,Indonesia (PECGI)

f) Panasonic energy Poland., S.A.Poland (PECPL)

g) Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte. Limited,Singapore (PA)

h) Panasonic Carbon Anyang Co Limited, China (PCAN)

i) Panasonic Centro Americana, S.A., Costarica (PCA)

j) Panasonic Management Thiland Co. Ltd, Thiland (PMT)

k) Panasonic Do Brasil Limitada, Brazil (PANABRAS)

l) Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Shanghai (PECSH)

m) Panasonic India Pvt Ltd, India (PI)

Associates under Common Control


Key Management Personnel

Mr.R. Senthil Kumar, Managing Director

6. The Outstanding Derivative Instruments as on 31st March, 2015

(i) Derivative instruments that are outstanding as on 31st March, 2015 is Rs. Nil. (Previous year Rs. Nil)

(ii) The Foreign Currency Exposures not hedged by a Derivative Instrument or otherwise as on 31st March, 2015 is Receivables of US$ 462,325/- Rs. 28,876,833/- (Previous Year US$ 393,342/- Rs. 23,553,349/-)

7. For the purpose of providing depreciation on tangible fixed assets effective April 1, 2014, the company has adopted the "useful life" specified in Part C of Schedule II of the Companies Act, 2013. Accordingly, the carrying amount as on April 1, 2014 is depreciated over the remaining useful life. As a result of the change, the impact on depreciation charge for the year ended March 31,2015 is higher by Rs. 2,639,725. In the case of assets whose useful life is NIL as on 31st March, 2014 in terms of Schedule II, the carrying value ( net of deferred tax credit of Rs. 630,297) amounting to Rs. 1,224,062 has been adjusted with the opening balance of retained earnings.

8. In the opinion of management, current assets, loans and advances are approximately of the value stated in the balance sheet if realized in the ordinary course of business.

9. Previous year's figures have been re-grouped and reclassified wherever necessary so as to make them comparable with the current year's figures.

Mar 31, 2014

1. Contingent liabilities & Commitments Amount in Rs

Particulars March 31, March 31, 2014 2013 (to the extent not provided for)

(i) Contingent liabilities

Income Tax demands in dispute for which the company has preferred appeals to higher authorities and has been legally advised 14,932,076 14,932,076 that demands are unsustainable.

(ii) Commitments

a Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for - -

b other commitments - -

Cost of Research and Development revenue expenditure aggregated to Rs 19.10 lakhs (Previous Year Rs 15.55 lakhs) which has been debited to various heads of account in the Profit and Loss Account. There was no Research and Development Capital expenditure during the year as well as in the previous year.

Outstanding dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

There are no Micro and Small Enterprise to whom the Company owes dues, which are outstanding for more than forty five days as at 31st March, 2014. The identification of Micro and Small Enterprises and the information as required to be disclosed under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises development Act, 2006 has been determined on the basis of Vendor information available with the Company.

31st March, 2014 31st March, 2013

The disclosure pursuant to the said Act is as under

(i) Principal amount ( along with payment made to suppliers) - -

(ii) Interest paid beyond the appointed day during the year - -

(iii) Interest due and payable for delay in making the payment - -

(iv) Interest accured and remaining unpaid at the end of the year - -

(v) Further interest remaining due and payable in succeeding years - -

2. Defined Benefit Plan

Defined benefit plan as per actuarial valuation as on 31st March, 2014 and recognised in the financial statements in respect of Employee Benefit Scheme: Disclosure under AS-15 (Revised) Employee Benefit Schemes

I. Components of Employee Cost Gratuity Gratuity 2013-14 2012-13 (Rs) (Rs)

Interest cost 1,422,624 1,371,516 Current service cost 757,723 742,423 Expected rate return on plan assets (1,476,729) (1,485,889) Acturial Loss / ( gain ) 1,703,053 (520,472)

Expenses to be recognised in profit and loss statement 2,406,671 107,578

II.Net Asset / (Liability) recognised in Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2014

2013-14 2012-13 (Rs) (Rs)

Present value of defined benefit obligation 20,108,686 17,782,805 Less : Fair Value of Plan Assets 17,597,660 17,678,450 (Liability) / Asset recognised in the balance sheet (2,511,026) (104,355)

III. Changes in defined benefit obligation Amount in Rs 2013-14 2012-13 (Rs) (Rs) a. Present Value of defined benefit obligation at the beginning of the year 17,782,805 17,143,952 b. Interest cost 1,422,624 1,371,516 c. Current service cost 757,723 742,423 d. Benefits paid (1,557,519) (954,614) e. Actuarial (gains)/losses on obligation 1,703,053 (520,472)

Present value of defined benefit obligation at the end of the year 20,108,686 17,782,805

IV. Changes in fair value of plan assets

2013-14 2012-13 (Rs) (Rs) Fair Value of Plan assets at the beginning of the year 17,678,450 16,157,865 Return on plan assets 1,476,729 1,485,889 Contribution - 989,310 Benefits paid (1,557,519) (954,614) Acturial ( gain ) / Loss on plan assets - - Fair Value of Plan assets as at 31st March, 2014 17,597,660 17,678,450

V. Principle actuarial assumptions at the balance sheet date.

Discount rate 8% 8% Salary growth rate 9% 8% Expected rate of return on plan assets 8% 8% Attrition rate 1-3% 1-3%

3 The company operates in only one segment (i.e) Midget Electrodes as a component of Dry Cell Batteries

4 Related Parties

Holding Company Panasonic Corporation, Japan (PC)

Fellow Subsidiaries under Common Control a) Panasonic Energy India Co. Ltd., Vadodara & Pithambur. (PECIN)

b) Panasonic Energy Tanzania Co. Ltd., Tanzania (PECTZ)

c) Panasonic Peruana, S.A.,Peru (PANAPERU)

d) Panasonic Energy(Thailand) Co.Ltd, Thailand (PECTH)

e) P.T Panasonic Gobel Energy, Indonesia, Indonesia (PECGI

f) Panasonic energy Poland., S.A.Poland (PECPL)

g) Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte. Limited, Singapore (PA)

h) Panasonic Energy Taiwan Co. Ltd., Taiwan

i) Panasonic Carbon Anyang Co Limited, China j) Panasonic Centro Americana, S.A.,Costarica

k) Panasonic India Pvt Ltd, India

l) Panasonic Management , Thailand

Associates under Common Control Nil

Key Management Personnel Mr.R. Senthil Kumar, Managing Director

5. Material Transactions of Sales (i)PECIN Rs 79,817,380 (Rs 7,76,94,760) (ii) PECTZ Rs 30,132,531( Rs 1,55,79,262) (iii) PECGI Rs 40,833,583 ( Rs 3,18,53,974) (iv) PANAPERU Rs 29,732,617 (Rs 2,85,24,486) (v) PECPL Rs 1,49,99,782 ( Rs 5,10,00,762) (vi) Others Rs 29,049,585 (Rs 2,51,71,775)

6. Particulars of earnings per share Current year Previous year Net profit (loss) after tax 68,457,122 65,350,987 Number of equity shares - Basic 4,800,000 4,800,000 Number of equity shares - Diluted 4,800,000 4,800,000 Nominal value of the shares Rs 10 Rs 10 Earnings per share - basic 14.26 13.61 Diluted 14.26 13.61

7. The Outstanding Derivative Instruments as on 31st March, 2014

(i) Derivative instruments that are outstanding as on 31st March, 2014 is '' Nil. (Previous year '' Nil)

(ii) The Foreign Currency Exposures not hedged by a Derivative Instrument or otherwise as on 31st March, 2014 is Receivables of US$ 393,342/- Rs 2,35,53,349/- (Previous Year US$ 2,90,84/- Rs 1,57,11,634/-)

8. In the opinion of management, current assets, loans and advances are approximately of the value stated in the balance sheet if realized in the ordinary course of business.

9. Previous year''s figure have been re-grouped and reclassified wherever necessary so as to make them comparable with the current year''s figure.

Mar 31, 2013

1.1 The Board of Directors in their meeting on 26th April, 2013 proposed a final dividend of Rs. 7 /- per equity share (70%). The proposal is subject to approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 25th July, 2013.

Amount in Rs. Particulars 31st March, 2013 31st March, 2012

2 Contingent liabilities & Commitments

(to the extend not provided for)

(i) Contingent liabilities

Income Tax demands in dispute for which the company has preferred appeals to higher authorities and has been legally advised that demands are unsustainable.

14,932,076 14,932,076

(ii) Commitments

a Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for - -

b other commitments - -

3 Cost of Research and Development revenue expenditure aggregated to Rs. 15.55 lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 15.10 lakhs) which has been debited to various heads of account in the Profit and Loss Statement. There was no Research and Development Capital expenditure during the year as well as in the previous year.

4 Outstanding dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

There are no Micro and Small Enterprise to whom the Company owes dues, which are outstanding for more than forty five days as at 31st March, 2013. The identification of Micro and Small Enterprises and the information as required to be disclosed under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises development Act, 2006 has been determined on the basis of Vendor information available with the Company.

5 The Outstanding Derivative Instruments as on 31st March, 2013

(i) Derivative instruments that are outstanding as on 31st March, 2013 is Rs. Nil. (Previous year Rs. Nil). (ii) The Foreign Currency Exposures not hedged by a Derivative Instrument or otherwise as on 31st March, 2013 is receivables of US$ 2,90,848/- Rs. 1,57,11,634/- (Previous Year US$ 2,38,731/- Rs. 1,21,41,537/-),

6 In the opinion of management, current assets, loans and advances are approximately of the value stated in the balance sheet if realized in the ordinary course of business.

7 Previous year''s figures have been re-grouped and reclassified wherever necessary so as to make them comparable with the current year''s figures.

Mar 31, 2012

1.1 The Board of Directors in their meeting on 25th May, 2012 proposed a final dividend of Rs7/- per equity share. The proposal is subject to approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 31st July, 2012.

Particulars 31st March, 2012 31st March, 2011

2 Contingent liabilities & Commitments Amount in Rs (to the extend not provided for)

(i) Contingent liabilities

Income Tax demands in dispute for which the company has preferred appeals to higher authorities and has been legally advised that demands are unsustainable. 1,49,32,076 1,49,32,076

(ii) Commitments

a Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for - -

b other commitments - -

3 Cost of Research and Development revenue expenditure aggregated to Rs 15.10 lakhs (Previous YearRs 15.54 lakhs) which has been debited to various heads of account in the Profit and Loss Account. There was no Research and Development Capital expenditure during the year as well as in the previous year.

4 The company operates in only one segment (i.e) Carbon Rods as a component of Dry Cell Batteries

5 The Outstanding Derivative Instruments as on 31st March, 2012

(i) Derivative instruments that are outstanding as on 31st March, 2012 is Rs Nil. (Previous year Rs Nil)

(ii) The Foreign Currency Exposures not hedged by a Derivative Instrument or otherwise as on 31st March, 2012 is Receivables of US$2,38,731/- Rs 1,21,41,837/-(Previous Year US$ 117,350/- Rs 52,21,936/-)

6 Exceptional Item represent Volutantary Separation Scheme (VSS) compensation paid to employees opted for VSS amounts to Rs 73,56,351.

7 In the opinion of management, current assets, loans and advances are approximately of the value stated in the balance sheet if realized in the ordinary course of business.

8 The financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2011 had been prepared as per the then applicable, pre-revised Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956. Consequent to the notification of Revised Schedule VI under the Companies Act, 1956, the financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2012 are prepared as per Revised Schedule VI. Accordingly, the previous year figures have also been re-classified to confirm to this year's classification.

Mar 31, 2011

1. Contingent Liabilities

Income-tax demands in dispute is Rs.1,49,32,076/- (Previous Year Rs.1,49,32,076/-). The Company has preferred Appeals to higher Authorities and has been legally advised that demands are unsustainable.

2. Estimated amount of Contracts remaining to be executed on Capital Account and not provided for Rs.Nil (Previous Year Rs.Nil).

3. Deferred Tax

Timing differences have resulted in net deferred tax debit amounting to Rs. 13,44,268/- (Previous year Deferred Tax credit Rs.25,54,763/-), which is included with the provision for taxation for the year.

4. Cost of Research and Development revenue expenditure aggregated to Rs.15.54 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 16.63 Lakhs) which has been debited to various heads of account in the Profit and Loss Account. There was no Research and Development Capital expenditure during the year as well as in the previous year.

5. The Company has provided for a sum of Rs.20,15,936/- towards increments in salary and wages payable to employees effective from September, 2010 pending finalisation of wage agreement with the Union. In the opinion of Management, the amount provided for salary arrears is adequate.

6. Outstanding dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

There are no Micro and Small Enterprises to whom the Company owes dues, which are outstanding for more than forty five days as at 31st March, 2011. The identification of Micro and Small Enterprises and the information as required to be disclosed under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 has been determined on the basis of Vendor information available with the Company.

7. Related Parties

Holding Company Panasonic Corporation, Japan

Fellow Subsidiaries under Common Control a) Panasonic Energy India Co. Ltd., Vadodara & Pithampur

b) Panasonic Energy Tanzania Co. Ltd., Tanzania

c) Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte. Limited, Singapore

d) Panasonic Energy Taiwan Co. Ltd., Taiwan

e) Panasonic Carbon Anyang Co Limited, China

Associates under Common Control Nippo Batteries Co. Ltd., Chennai

Key Management Personnel Mr. R. Senthil Kumar, Managing Director

Mr. Haruo Uchida, Whole Time Director (Finance)

8. The Outstanding Derivative Instruments as on 31st March, 2011

(i) Derivative instruments that are outstanding as on 31st March, 2011 is Rs.Nil (Previous year Rs.Nil).

(ii) The Foreign Currency Exposures not hedged by a Derivative Instrument or otherwise as on 31st March, 2011 is Receivables of US$117350/- Rs.52,21,936/-(Previous Year US$ 52220/-Rs.23,45,990/-)

9. The Company operates in only one Segment (i.e) Carbon Rods as a component of Dry Cell Batteries.

10. Figures of previous year have been re-grouped wherever necessary to conform to those of the current year.

11. Figures have been rounded off to the nearest rupee.

Mar 31, 2010

1. Contingent Liabilities

Income-tax demands in dispute is Rs. 1,49,32,076/- (Previous Year Rs.78,43,168/-). The Company has preferred Appeals to higher Authorities and has been legally advised that demands are unsustainable.

2. Estimated amount of Contracts remaining to be executed on Capital Account and not provided for Rs.Nil (Previous YearRs.90,618/-).

3. Deferred Tax

Timing differences have resulted in net deferred tax credit amounting to Rs.25,54,763/- (Previous year Deferred Tax credit Rs.22,95,278/-), which is included with the provision for taxation for the year.

4. The Company has implemented a "Voluntary Separation Scheme" in the year 2007-08 for its employees and intended to charge off the Compensation of Rs. 1,83,94,985/- over the period of three years effective from 1st April, 2007 as per the Accounting Standard 15 (Revised) "Employee Benefits". Accordingly the remaining one third of the compensation paid amounting to Rs.61,31,663/- has been charged off during the year and the balance to be amortised is Rs.Nil..

5. Cost of Research and Development revenue expenditure aggregated to Rs. 16.63 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs.16.27 Lakhs) which has been debited to various heads of account in the Profit and Loss Account. There was no Research and Development Capital expenditure during the year as well as in the previous year.

6. Related Parties

Holding Company Panasonic Corporation (Formerly Matsushita Electric

Industrial Company Ltd.,) Japan

Fellow Subsidiaries under

a) Panasonic Energy India Co. Ltd., Vadodara & Pithampur Common Control (Formerly Panasonic Battery India Co. Ltd.,)

b) Panasonic Energy Tanzania Co. Ltd., Tanzania (Formerly Panasonic Battery Tanzania Co. Ltd.,)

c) Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte. Limited,Singapore

d) Panasonic Energy Taiwan Co. Ltd., Taiwan (Formerly Panasonic Battery Taiwan Co. Ltd.,)

e) Panasonic Carbon Anyang Co Limited, China

Associates under Common

Control Nippo Batteries Co. Ltd., Chennai

Key Management Personnel

Mr. R. Senthil Kumar,Managing Director

Mr. Haruo Uchida, Whole Time Director (Finance)

7. The Outstanding Derivative Instruments as on 31st March, 2010

(i) Derivative instruments that are outstanding as on 31st March, 2010 is Rs.Nil (Previous year Rs.Nil).

(ii) The Foreign Currency Exposures not hedged by a Derivative Instrument or otherwise as on 31st March, 2010 is Receivables of US$ 52220.16 Rs.23,45,990/- (Previous Year US$ 185471 Rs.94,04,747/-)

8. The Company operates in only one Segment (i.e) Carbon Rods as a component of Dry Cell Batteries.

9. Figures of previous year have been re-grouped wherever necessary to conform to those of the current year

10. Figures have been rounded off to the nearest rupee

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